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Orders Issued by the Board prior to 2023 under the Public Utilities Act  

Date Issued
Application Type
Application Description
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. in accordance with Order No. P.U. 4 (1997-98) to update the cost factors used in its Contribution in Aid of Construction policy.

Capital Budget

Application approving capital expenditures for 2023 projects and multi-year projects commencing in 2023; (b) approving its 2023 Capital Budget; and (c) fixing and determining its average rate base for 2021.

Capital Budget

Application approving capital expenditures for 2023 projects and multi-year projects commencing in 2023; (b) approving its 2023 Capital Budget; and (c) fixing and determining its average rate base for 2021.

Rate Stabilization

Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of Island Industrial Customer rates to reflect revisions with respect to the Island Industrial Customer Rate Stabilization Plan Adjustments.


Application for the Abandonment of Transmission Line L1301 - Labrador Interconnected Group Costs Submission as per Order No. P.U. 29(2022)
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for an Upgrade to Long Pond Substation for Memorial University of Newfoundland, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.

Supplemental Capital Expenditure

Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of capital expenditures for section replacement and weld refurbishment of Penstock 1 at the Bay d’Espoir Hydroelectric Generating Facility, pursuant to subsection 41(3) of the Act.

Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves

Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for recovery of the 2022 balance in the Isolated Systems Supply Cost Variance Deferral Account pursuant to sections 70(1) and 80 of the Act.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of the disposition of the 2022 balance in the Demand Management Incentive Account pursuant to sections 58 and 80 of the Act.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of the balance in the Weather Normalization Reserve as of December 31, 2022 pursuant to sections 69(3) and 78 of the Act.
Abandonment of Plant or Service
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for consent to abandon the hydrogen system portion of the Ramea Wind-Hydrogen-Diesel Generation Project, pursuant to section 38 of the Act.
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, acting in its capacity as the Newfoundland and Labrador System Operator, for approval of the effective date of interim transmission rates applicable post commissioning of the Labrador-Island Link, pursuant to sections 71 and 75 of the Act.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure for the purchase and replacement of last stage blades for Units 1 and 2 at the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Award of Costs
2023 Capital Budget Application as per Order No. P.U. 2(2023) - Labrador Interconnected Group Costs Application - Order
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for the approval of supplemental capital expenditures to proceed with the purchase and installation of a replacement power transformer for Memorial Substation pursuant to section 41(3) of the Act.
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval, pursuant to sections 70(1) and 71 of the Act, of a revised Utility Rate reflecting updated Rate Stabilization Plan Current Plan and Conservation and Demand Management Cost Recovery adjustments and continuation of the Project Cost Recovery Rider.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an exemption to Regulation 17 of its rules and regulations and approval of an Upstream Capacity Charge pursuant to the Network Additions Policy.
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. pursuant to sections 70 and 71 of the Act for approval of: (i) revised rate stabilization and municipal tax adjustments for the period July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024; and (ii) a revised Schedule of Rates, Tolls and Charges.
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a change in rates to be charged to its Island Interconnected, L’Anse au Loup and Isolated Rural customers.
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for the approval of a change in the Conservation and Demand Management Cost Recovery Adjustment to be charged to Island Industrial customers effective July 1, 2023.
Security Issues
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval to issue Series AS First Mortgage Bonds pursuant to section 91 of the Act.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure for the construction and installation of ultra-fast electric vehicle chargers, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a line extension to serve customers in the cottage area known as Jonathan’s Pond, near the Town of Gander pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval to recover costs through its Electrification Cost Deferral Account to complete a pilot project to assess load management strategies for electric vehicles.
Reviews, Plans and Studies
Application for approval of Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s Network Additions Policy for the Labrador Interconnected system in Order No. P.U. 7(2021); and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s request to change reporting requirements set out in Order No. P.U. 7(2021).
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a contribution towards the cost of improvements from Iron Ore Company of Canada, pursuant to section 41(5) of the Act.
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a single-phase extension to the Northbrook Road cottage area, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction to provide three-phase service to two dairy farms located in the Town of Cormack, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure for the purchase of a Spare Generator Step-Up Transformer, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a single-phase extension to a water treatment building in the Town of L’Anse Au Clair, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of an extension of the Third Amended and Restated Pilot Agreement for the Optimization of Hydraulic Resources pursuant to section 3(b)(iii) of the EPCA and sections 70 and 76 of the Act.
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a contribution towards the cost of improvements for Braya Renewable Fuels (Newfoundland) GP Inc., pursuant to section 41(5) of the Act.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of the terms of a Capacity Assistance Agreement between Hydro and Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited, pursuant to sections 70, 71 and 80 of the Act.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a deferral account to provide for recovery of costs for electrification programs under its Electrification, Conservation and Demand Management Plan pursuant to subsection 58 of the Act.
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a rate for non-firm service in Labrador, revisions to the Island Industrial customer non-firm rate, the discontinuance of the Labrador secondary energy rate and a revision to the Supply Cost Variance Deferral Account definition.
Capital Budget
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an Order pursuant to sections 41 and 78 of the Act: (a) approving capital expenditures for 2024 projects and multi-year projects commencing in 2024; (b) approving its 2024 Capital Budget; and (c) fixing and determining its average rate base for 2022.

Date Issued
Application Type
Application Description
Award of Costs
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a Network Additions Policy for the Labrador Interconnected system; and an application for costs by the communities of Sheshatshiu, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Wabush and Labrador City.
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval to continue the current Island Industrial Customer rates pursuant to sections 70(1) and 71 of the Act.
General Rates
A general rate application filed by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of, inter alia, rates to be charged to its customers for 2022 and 2023.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of changes to various deferral account definitions, approval of changes to the rules and regulations applicable to the Rate Stabilization Plan, and other matters reflecting the determinations set out in Order No. P.U. 33(2021).
Rate Stabilization
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of Island Industrial Customer rates to reflect revisions with respect to the Island Industrial Customers Rate Stabilization Plan adjustments.
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a change in rates to be charged to its Island Interconnected, L'Anse au Loup and Isolated Rural customers.
Security Issues
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval to issue Series AR First Mortgage Bonds pursuant to section 91 of the Act.
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a single-phase to three-phase upgrade for a Parks Canada Visitor Information Centre, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of supplemental capital expenditures related to the 2022 Allowance for Unforeseen Items for the construction and purchase of certain improvements and additions to its property pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of the disposition of the 2021 balance in the Demand Management Incentive Account pursuant to sections 58 and 80 of the Act.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of the balance in the Weather Normalization Reserve as of December 31, 2021 pursuant to sections 69(3) and 78 of the Act.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure for the roof replacement of the Makkovik Diesel Generating Station pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for three-phase service for Corner Brook Acute Care Hospital, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of the purchase and installation of a new diesel engine for the Mary's Harbour Diesel Generating Station pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an exemption to Regulation 17 of its rules and regulations and approval of an Upstream Capacity Charge pursuant to the Network Additions Policy.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for recovery of the 2021 balances in (i) the Isolated Systems Supply Cost Variance Deferral Account, (ii) the Revised Energy Supply Cost Variance Deferral Account, and (iii) the Holyrood Conversion Rate Deferral Account, pursuant to sections 70(1) and 80 of the Act.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval to purchase one set of last stage blades to serve as capital spares for Units 1 and 2 at the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station, pursuant to section 41(3) of the Act.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of Rotor Rim Shrinking and Stator Recentering at the Upper Salmon Hydroelectric Generating Station pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval, pursuant to sections 70(1) and 71 of the Act, of a revised Utility Rate reflecting updated Rate Stabilization Plan Current Plan and Conservation and Demand Management Cost Recovery adjustments and the addition of a Project Cost Recovery Rider.
Application filed by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval pursuant to sections 70 and 71 of the Act for approval of: (i) revised rate stabilization and municipal; (ii) tax adjustments for the period July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023; and (iii) a revised schedule of rates, tolls and charges; and revisions to the Rate Stabilization Clause.
Application by Newfoundland Hydro for approval of a change in rates to be charged to its Island Interconnected, L’Anse au Loup and Isolated Rural customers.
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an order approving a revised Demand Revenue Credit per kW for use in the Labrador Network Additions Policy pursuant to section 70(1) of the Act.
Application by Newfoundland Hydro for the approval of a change in the Conservation and Demand Management Cost Recovery Adjustment to be charged to Island Industrial customers effective July 1, 2022.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an Order approving supplemental capital expenditures for four projects at the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station
Application by Newfoundland Hydro for approval of a change in rates to be charged to its Island Interconnected, L’Anse au Loup and Isolated Rural customers.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of capital expenditures to construct a new three-phase line in Hampden.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval the recovery of costs associated with the Business Systems Transformation Program.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval to Relocate a Distribution Line and for the Contribution by Anaconda Mining Equal to the Cost of the Relocation
Abandonment of Plant
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for consent to abandon Transmission Line L1301.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for a change or modification to Order No. P.U. 24(2022) pursuant to section 28(2) of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities Regulations, 1996 (the “Regulations”).
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a line extension to serve customers in the cottage area known as Thorne Lake, near the Town of Labrador City pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of capital expenditures necessary to address supply in Charlottetown and Pinsent’s Arm, Labrador, pursuant to section 41(3) of the Act.
NP and Hydro
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro and Newfoundand Power on June 16, 2021 for approvals with respect to its conservation and demand management and electrification programming.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of certain rules and regulations pertaining to the supply of electrical power and energy to one of its Island Industrial customers, Marathon Gold Corporation, pursuant to section 71 of the Act.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a Third Amended and Restated Pilot Agreement for the Optimization of Hydraulic Resources pursuant to section 3(b)(iii) of the EPCA and sections 70 and 76 of the Act.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of the extension of a temporary service agreement with a customer in Labrador West pursuant to section 71 of the Act.
Deferrals, Accounts, and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a change in its Conservation and Demand Management Deferral Account pursuant to section 70(1) of the Act.
Capital Budget
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for an Order pursuant to sections 41 and 78 of the Act:
     (a) approving a 2023 Capital Budget of $123,463,000;
     (b) approving capital expenditures related to multi-year projects commencing in 2023; and
     (c) fixing and determining a 2021 rate base of $1,202,946,000.

Date Issued
Application Type
Application Description
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a revision to the Revised Energy Supply Cost Variance Deferral Account, pursuant to Order No. P.U. 29(2020).
Capital Budget
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval for an Order, pursuant to sections 41 and 78 of the Act: (a) approving its 2021 capital purchases and construction projects in excess of $50,000; (b) approving its 2021 Capital Budget of $107,452,400; and (c) fixing and determining its average rate base for 2017, 2018, and 2019 in the amounts of $2,068,754,000, $2,265,683,000, and $2,306,047,000 respectively.
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, acting in its capacity as the Newfoundland and Labrador System Operator, for approval of amendments to the pro-forma Transmission Service Agreements, the rates and rate methodology and the Transmission Policies and Procedures, pursuant to sections 71 and 75 of the Act.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, of a revised Power Service Agreement, a Firm Energy Power Purchase Agreement, and a Second Amended and Restated Capacity Assistance Agreement between Hydro and Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited, pursuant to sections 70, 71 and 80 of the Act.
Rate Stabilization
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval to continue the current Island Industrial Customer rates pursuant to sections 70(1) and 71 of the Act.
Rate Stabilization
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval pursuant to sections 70(1) and 76 of the Act, for the approval of the 2021 Island Industrial Customer Rate Stabilization Plan Adjustments in accordance with the Rate Stabilization Plan Rules.
Reviews, Plans and Studies
Approval of Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s Network Additions Policy for the Labrador Interconnected system.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of an amendment to the Reliability and Resource Adequacy Deferral Account Definition pursuant to sections 58 and 80 of the Act.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of two exceptions to financial reporting requirements relating to the Muskrat Falls Power Purchase Agreement and the deferral and recovery of capital-related overhead costs, pursuant to section 58 of the Act.
Capital Budget
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for an Order pursuant to sections 41 and 78 of the Act: (a) approving a 2021 Capital Budget of $111,298,000; (b) approving certain capital expenditures related to multi-year projects commencing in 2021; and (c) fixing and determining a 2019 rate base of $1,153,556,000; and Order No. P.U. 37(2020) in relation to Newfoundland Power Inc.’s 2021 Capital Budget Application; and Newfoundland Power’s request for approval of proposed expenditures associated with a new substation for St. John’s North-Portugal Cove. 
Capital Budget
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an Order approving, pursuant to sections 41 and 78 of the Act: (a) its 2021 capital purchases and construction projects in excess of $50,000; (b) its 2021 Capital Budget; and (c) its average rate base for 2017, 2018, and 2019; and Order No. P.U. 2(2021) in relation to Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s 2021 Capital Budget Application; and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s request for approval of proposed expenditures associated with a project to replace personal computers and a project to replace a diesel genset at Nain.
Capital Budget
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for an Order pursuant to sections 41 and 78 of the Act: (a) approving a 2021 Capital Budget of $111,298,000; (b) approving certain capital expenditures related to multi-year projects commencing in 2021; and (c) fixing and determining a 2019 rate base of $1,153,556,000; and Order No. P.U. 37(2020) in relation to Newfoundland Power Inc.’s 2021 Capital Budget Application; and Newfoundland Power’s request for approval of proposed capital expenditures, in the amount of approximately $31.6 million, to replace its customer service system.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of the balance in the Weather Normalization Reserve as of December 31, 2020 pursuant to sections 69(3) and 78 of the Act.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of the disposition of the 2020 balance in the 2020 Demand Management Incentive Account pursuant to sections 58 and 80 of the Act. 
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for recovery of the 2020 balances in (i) the Isolated Systems Supply Cost Variance Deferral Account, (ii) the Revised Energy Supply Cost Variance Deferral Account, and (iii) the Holyrood Conversion Rate Deferral Account, pursuant to sections 70(1) and 80 of the Act.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of two exceptions to financial reporting requirements relating to the Muskrat Falls Power Purchase Agreement and the deferral and recovery of capital-related overhead costs, pursuant to section 58 of the Act.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure to supplement the 2021 Allowance for Unforeseen Items for the construction and purchase of certain improvements and additions to its property pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure for the overhaul of Holyrood Thermal Generating Station Unit 1 Boiler Feed Pump East pursuant to section 41 of the Act. 
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro of a contribution towards the cost of improvements from Iron Ore Company of Canada pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure to purchase Diesel Generator Unit 2102 for Charlottetown, Labrador pursuant to section 41 of the Act. 
Award of Costs
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro in relation to Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s 2021 Capital Budget; and an application for costs by the communities of Sheshatshiu, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Wabush and Labrador City.
Approval of Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s for approval, pursuant to sections 70(1) and 71 of the Act, of the Rate Stabilization Plan and Conservation and Demand Management Cost Recovery Rate Adjustments to be charged to Newfoundland Power Inc.
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. pursuant to sections 70 and 71 of the Act for approval of: (i) revised rate stabilization and municipal (i) tax adjustments for the period July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022; (ii) a revised schedule of rates, tolls and charges; and (iii) revisions to the Rate Stabilization Clause.
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a change in rates to be charged to its Island Interconnected, L’Anse au Loup and Isolated Rural customers.
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for the approval of a change in the CDM Cost Recovery Adjustment to be charged to Island Industrial customers effective July 1, 2021.
General Rates
A general rate application by Newfoundland Power Inc. to establish customer electricity rates for 2022-2023.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure to construct an interconnection between Star Lake Terminal Station and Valentine Terminal Station to provide service to Marathon Gold Corporation pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval for approval of a capital expenditure to purchase a diesel generating unit for the Ramea Diesel Generating Station pursuant to section 41 of the Act. 
Capital Budget
An application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for an Order pursuant to sections 41 and 78 of the Act: (a) approving a 2021 Capital Budget of $111,298,000; (b) approving certain capital expenditures related to multi-year projects commencing in 2021; and (c) fixing and determining a 2019 rate base of $1,153,556,000; and Order No. P.U. 37(2020) in relation to Newfoundland Power Inc.’s 2021 Capital Budget Application; and Order No. P.U. 12 (2021) issued on April 7, 2021 in relation to Newfoundland Power Inc.’s proposed capital expenditures to replace its customer service system, in the amount of $9,903,000 in 2021, $15,826,000 in 2022, and $5,917,000 in 2023; and an application by the Consumer Advocate, Dennis Browne, Q.C., for an order pursuant to subsections 100(3) and 118(2) of the Act staying Order No. P.U. 12 (2021).
NP and Hydro
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
An application filed by Newfoundland Power Inc. on December 16, 2020 for approval of, among other things, supplemental 2021 capital expenditures related to the construction of an electric vehicle charging network associated with the implementation of new electrification programming set out in the joint utility Electrification, Conservation and Demand Management Plan 2021-2025; and an application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro June 16, 2021 for approval of, among other things, supplemental 2021 capital expenditures related to the construction of an electric vehicle charging network associated with the implementation of new electrification programming set out in the joint utility Electrification, Conservation and Demand Management Plan 2021-2025; and the application by Newfoundland Power Inc. and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of 2021 capital expenditures for electric vehicle charging stations pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
NP and Hydro
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
An application filed by Newfoundland Power Inc. on December 16, 2020 for approval of, among other things, supplemental 2021 capital expenditures related to the construction of an electric vehicle charging network associated with the implementation of new electrification programming set out in the joint utility Electrification, Conservation and Demand Management Plan 2021-2025; and an application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro June 16, 2021 for approval of, among other things, supplemental 2021 capital expenditures related to the construction of an electric vehicle charging network associated with the implementation of new electrification programming set out in the joint utility Electrification, Conservation and Demand Management Plan 2021-2025; and the application by Newfoundland Power Inc. and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of 2021 capital expenditures for electric vehicle charging stations pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a Second Amended and Restated Pilot Agreement for the Optimization of Hydraulic Resources pursuant to section 3(b)(iii) of the EPCA and sections 70 and 76 of the Act.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of an interruptible load service agreement with Labrador Lynx Limited.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for of new deferral accounts, changes to existing deferral accounts, and an accounting deviation, associated with the commissioning of the Muskrat Falls Project, pursuant to section 58 of the Act.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure to supplement the 2021 Allowance for Unforeseen Items for the construction and purchase of certain improvements and additions to its property pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Contribution in Aid of Construction
An application by Newfoundland Power Inc. accordance with Order No. P.U. 4(1997-98) to update the cost factors used in its Contribution in Aid of Construction policy.
Capital Budget
An application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for an Order pursuant to sections 41 and 78 of the Act: (a) approving capital expenditures for 2022 projects and multi-year projects commencing in 2022; (b) approving its 2022 Capital Budget; and (c) fixing and determining its average rate base for 2020.
Capital Budget
An application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for an Order pursuant to sections 41 and 78 of the Act: (a) approving capital expenditures for 2022 projects and multi-year projects commencing in 2022; (b) approving its 2022 Capital Budget; and (c) fixing and determining its average rate base for 2020.
Capital Budget
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an Order pursuant to sections 41 and 78 of the Act: (a) approving capital expenditures for 2022 projects and multi-year projects commencing in 2022; (b) approving its 2022 Capital Budget; and (c) fixing and determining its average rate base for 2020.
Capital Budget
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an Order pursuant to sections 41 and 78 of the Act: (a) approving capital expenditures for 2022 projects and multi-year projects commencing in 2022; (b) approving its 2022 Capital Budget; and (c) fixing and determining its average rate base for 2020.

Date Issued
Name of Applicant
Application Type
Application Description
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an exemption to Regulation 17 of its rules and regulations.
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval to continue the current Island Industrial Customer rates pursuant to sections 70(1) and 71 of the Act.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of an account to defer the savings associated with the Firm Energy Power Purchase Agreement with Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited. 
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. in accordance with Order No. P.U. 4(1997-98) to update the cost factors used in its Contribution in Aid of Construction Policy.
Capital Budget
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for an Order, pursuant to sections 41 and 78 of the Act: (a) approving a 2020 Capital Budget of $96,614,000; (b) approving certain capital expenditures related to multi-year projects commencing in 2020; and (c) fixing and determining a 2018 rate base of $1,117,341,000.
Capital Budget
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an Order, pursuant to sections 41 and 78 of the Act: (a) approving its 2020 capital purchases and construction projects in excess of $50,000; (b) approving its 2020 Capital Budget of $108,487,300; (c) approving its estimated contributions in aid of construction for 2020; and (d) fixing and determining Hydro’s average rate base for 2015 and 2016 in the amounts of $1,747,308,000 and $1,885,849,000, respectively.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
pplication by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure for the construction and installation of an electric vehicle fast charging network across the island pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Rate Stabilization
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of revisions to the Rate Stabilization Plan Rules and Island Industrial customer rates pursuant to sections 70(1) and 71 of the Act.
Security Issues
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for an Order, for approval to issue Series AQ First Mortgage Bonds pursuant to section 91 of the Act.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of the balance in the Weather Normalization Reserve as of December 31, 2019 pursuant to sections 69(3) and 78 of the Act.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for an Order of the Board for disposition of the 2019 balance in the 2019 Demand Management Incentive Account pursuant to sections 58 and 80 of the Act.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an exemption to Regulation 17 of its rules and regulations.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for recovery of the 2019 balances in (i) the Isolated Systems Supply Cost Variance Deferral Account, (ii) the Revised Energy Supply Cost Variance Deferral Account, and (iii) the Holyrood Conversion Rate Deferral Account, pursuant to sections 70(1) and 80 of the Act. 
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of Capital Expenditures necessary for the continued operation of the Holyrood Thermal Generation Station pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
General Rate
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval to delay the filing of its General Rate Application pursuant to sections 70, 71 and 76 of the Act.
Rate Stabilization
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro pursuant to OC2020-081 for the approval of a one-time bill credit to Newfoundland Power Inc. and the continuation of the current Utility RSP Fuel Rider, RSP Current Plan and CDM Cost Recovery Adjustment.
Rate Stabilization
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. pursuant to OC2020-081 for approval to: (i) suspend the operation of the Rate Stabilization Clause with respect to the Rate Stabilization Adjustment to be charged for the period July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021; (ii) suspend the operation of the Municipal Tax Clause with respect to the Municipal Tax Adjustment factor for the period July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021; and (iii) provide a one-time customer bill credit in July 2020
Rate Stabilization
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro pursuant to OC2020-081 for the approval of: (i) a one-time customer bill credit plan for Hydro’s Rural customers who are subject to automatic rate changes based on Newfoundland Power’s customer rates; and (ii) the inclusion of the financial impact of the one-time customer bill credit in the Rate Stabilization Plan Rural Rate Alteration.
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for the approval of a change in the CDM Cost Recovery Adjustment to be charged to Island Industrial customers effective July 1, 2020.
Award of Costs
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of revisions to its Cost of Service Methodology; and an application for costs by Corner Brook Pulp and Paper, NARL Refining Limited Partnership and Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited.
Award of Costs
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of revisions to its Cost of Service Methodology; and an application for costs by the communities of Sheshatshiu, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Wabush and Labrador City.
Award of Costs
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro Hydro for approval to expand the restriction on load additions in Labrador East; and an application for costs by the communities of Sheshatshiu, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Wabush and Labrador City.
Award of Costs
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of an interruptible load service agreement with Labrador Lynx Limited; and an application for costs by the communities of Sheshatshiu, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Wabush and Labrador City.
Abandonment of Works or Service
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for consent to abandon a part of its transmission line infrastructure pursuant to section 38 of the Act.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of the acquisition and installation of equipment to connect and integrate a photovoltaic and battery operated storage system at Mary’s Harbour, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of replacement of the line protection relays and associated equipment and cabling located in the Wabush Terminal Station for transmission lines L34 and L35 and for approval of a contribution by Tacora of an amount equal to the final capital cost of the project, pursuant to section 41 of the Act. 
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an Order that the provision of electric vehicle charging services is not subject to the legislative authority of the province and does not require an approved rate, toll, or charge.
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a single-phase extension to the Southern Lake cottage area, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for the disposition of the balance in a deferral account approved in Order No. P.U. 3(2020) for savings associated with a firm energy purchases from Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited. 
Abandonment of Works or Service
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for consent to abandon a part of its transmission line infrastructure pursuant to section 38 of the Act.  
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of an interruptible load service agreement with Labrador Lynx Limited. 
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure to supplement the 2020 Allowance for Unforeseen Items for the construction and purchase of certain improvements and additions to its property pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Award of Costs
Application for costs by Grand Riverkeeper Labrador, Inc. 
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an exemption to Regulation 17 of its rules and regulations.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of an account to defer the revenue requirement impact associated with the sale of the frequency converter to Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited.
Rate Base
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a 2021 forecast average rate base and a 2021 rate of return on rate base in accordance with Order No. P.U. 2(2019).
Capital Budget
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for an Order pursuant to sections 41 and 78 of the Act: (a) approving a 2021 Capital Budget of $111,298,000; (b) approving certain capital expenditures related to multi-year projects commencing in 2021; and (c) fixing and determining a 2019 rate base of $1,153,556,000.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of an Amended and Restated Pilot Agreement for the Optimization of Hydraulic Resources pursuant to section 3(b)(iii) of the EPCA and sections 70 and 76 of the Act.
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. in accordance with Order No. P.U. 4(1997-98) to update the cost factors used in its Contribution in Aid of Construction Policy.
Security Issues
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval to issue debt pursuant to section 91 of the Act.

Date Issued
Name of Applicant
Application Type
Application Description
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro pursuant to section 71 of the Act, for an exemption to Regulation 17.
General Rate
A general rate application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of, inter alia, rates to be charged to its customers for 2019 and 2020.
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a line extension to provide three-phase service to the Town of Gander, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Rate Stabilization
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro pursuant to section 70 for approval of the Rate Stabilization Plan components of the rates to be charged to Island Industrial Customers effective January 1, 2019.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a capital expenditure for a substation on the Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John’s campus, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a capital expenditure for a substation transformer at Newfoundland Power’s Pepperrell Substation and the construction of a three-phase distribution feeder line from Pepperrell Substation, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure to supplement the 2019 Allowance for Unforeseen Items for the construction and purchase of certain improvements and additions to its property pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval for an exemption of the temporary restriction on load additions in Labrador East, pursuant to its Rules and Regulations.
Capital Budget
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro approving its 2018 Capital Budget Application; and the proposed Muskrat Falls to Happy Valley-Goose Bay Interconnection project which was deferred pursuant to Order No. P.U. 43(2017) and Order No. P.U. 9(2018). 
P.U. 10(2019)
Award of Costs
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s for approval of a regulation to restrict load additions in Labrador East and Order Nos. P.U. 32(2018) and P.U. 36(2018); and an application for costs by the communities of Sheshatshiu, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Wabush and Labrador City.
Abandonment of Plant or Service
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. to reduce service from three-phase to single-phase on a section of distribution line on the Avalon Peninsula, pursuant to section 38 of the Act.
Abandonment of Plant or Service
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. to remove a section of distribution line from service on the Burin Peninsula, pursuant to section 38 of the Act.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of the balance in the Weather Normalization Reserve as of December 31, 2018 pursuant to sections 69(3) and 78 of the Act.
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a line extension to serve customers in the cottage area known as Island Pond, near the Town of Colinet, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a change in rates to be charged to its Island Interconnected and Isolated Rural customers.
General Rate
A general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on July 28, 2017.
Abandonment of Plant or Service
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to remove a section of distribution line from service on the Avalon Peninsula, pursuant to section 38 of the Act.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a regulation to restrict load additions in Labrador East and Order No. P.U. 32(2018) and Order No. P.U. 36(2018); and an application for approval to extend the temporary restriction on load additions in Labrador East.
P.U. 19(2019)
Award of Costs
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro approving its 2018 Capital Budget Application; and the proposed Muskrat Falls to Happy Valley-Goose Bay Interconnection project which was deferred pursuant to Order Nos. P.U. 43(2017) and P.U. 9(2018) and approved in Order No. P.U. 9(2019); and an application for costs by the communities of Sheshatshiu, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Wabush and Labrador City.
P.U. 20(2019)
Timothy W. Buckle 
Request to State a Case
Application Timothy W. Buckle requesting a stated case pursuant to section 101 of the Act.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for recovery of the 2018 balances in (i) the Isolated Systems Supply Cost Variance Deferral Account, (ii) the Energy Supply Cost Variance Deferral Account, and (iii) the Holyrood Conversion Rate Deferral Account, pursuant to sections 70(1) and 80 of the Act. 
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure to complete a Hinds Lake Unit Overhaul and Level II Condition Assessments at Bay d’Espoir Penstock 4, Granite Canal Penstock and Hinds Lake Penstock pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
A general rate application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to establish customer electricity rates for 2018 and 2019; and the proposed test year costs related to the Business Systems Transformation Program. 
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for the approval of a change in the CDM Cost Recovery Adjustment to be charged to Island Industrial customers effective July 1, 2019. 
Rate Stabilization
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador to delay implementation of its July 1, 2019 Utility Rate Stabilization Plan and Conservation and Demand Management rate changes.
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a single-phase extension to Skibbereen Road, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an exemption to Regulation 17 of its rules and regulations.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure for refurbishment of the Hardwoods gas turbine alternator exciter end bearing and the purchase of an exciter bearing liner and thrust pads pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval to defer certain costs related to the Reliability and Resource Adequacy Study pursuant to sections 58 and 80 of the Act.
General Rate
A general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on July 28, 2017 to establish customer electricity rates for 2018 and 2019; and Order No. P.U. 16(2019) relating to the 2017 general rate application; and an application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on July 11, 2019 to reflect the findings of the Board in Order No. P.U. 16(2019) and requesting approval of, among other things, changes to its rates, rules and regulations for the supply of power and energy to its customers to be effective October 1, 2019.
Rate Stabilization
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. pursuant to sections 70, 71 and 80 of the Act and Order Nos. P.U. 16(2019), P.U. 25(2019) and P.U. 30(2019) for approval of: (i) revisions to the rates, rules and regulations to permit recovery of additional costs payable to Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for the supply of power as a result of a revised Utility rate effective October 1, 2019; (ii) revised rate stabilization and municipal tax adjustments for the period October 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020; and (iii) revisions to Newfoundland Power’s Rate Stabilization Clause. 
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a change in rates for the supply of power and energy to Hydro Rural customers who are subject to automatic rate changes based on the rates approved for customers of Newfoundland Power Inc.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for of a capital expenditure for refurbishment and upgrade of a gas generator to be used as a spare for the Hardwoods and Stephenville Gas Turbine facilities pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro Hydro for approval to expand the restriction on load additions in Labrador East approved in Order Nos. P.U. 32(2018), P.U. 36(2018) and P.U. 18(2019).
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a Firm Energy Power Purchase Agreement with Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited pursuant to sections 70(1), 71 and 80 of the Act.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a capital expenditure for the relocation of a portion of a transmission line for Cottle’s Island Lumber Company Limited pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of revisions to its Cost of Service Methodology for use in the determination of test year class revenue requirements reflecting the inclusion of the Muskrat Falls Project costs upon full commissioning, pursuant to section 3 of the EPCA.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro approved in Order No. P.U. 26(2018) relating to the sale of the Corner Brook frequency converter by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited; and the recovery of retirement costs associated with the sale of the frequency converter to Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited, in the amount of approximately $4.25 million. 
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure for the construction of a line extension and the installation of power usage monitoring and control equipment at the BlockLab site pursuant to section 41 of the Act
Award of Costs
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of its 2017 General Rate Application; and Order Nos. P.U. 16(2019) and P.U. 30(2019) related to Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s 2017 General Rate Application; and an application for costs by Corner Brook Pulp and Paper, NARL Refining Limited Partnership and Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited.
Award of Costs
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of its 2017 General Rate Application; and Order Nos. P.U. 16(2019) and P.U. 30(2019) related to Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s 2017 General Rate Application; and an application for costs by the communities of Sheshatshui, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Wabush and Labrador City.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of an interruptible load service agreement with Labrador Lynx Limited.

Date Issued
Name of Applicant
Application Type
Application Description
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction to provide service to the Western Regional Service Board’s waste transfer facility located on Route 420 near Hampden Junction, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to establish customer electricity rates for 2018 and 2019; and an application from the Consumer Advocate to delay the schedule for Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s general rate application until additional information is filed.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, acting in its capacity as the Newfoundland and Labrador System Operator, for approval of pro-forma Transmission Service Agreements and interim transmission rates and rate methodology, and Transmission Policies and Procedures and Code of Conduct for transmission system operations, pursuant to sections 71 and 75 of the Act.
Award of Costs
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an Order approving, pursuant to Section 41 of the Act: (a) its 2018 capital purchases and construction projects in excess of $50,000; (b) its 2018 Capital Budget; and (c) its estimated contributions in aid of construction for 2018; and an application for approval of costs by Industrial Customer Group pursuant to Order No. P.U. 43(2017).
Captial Budget
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an Order approving, pursuant to section 41 of the Act: (a) its 2018 capital purchases and construction projects in excess of $50,000; (b) its 2018 Capital Budget; and (c) its estimated contributions in aid of construction for 2018; and Order No. P.U. 43(2017) in relation to Hydro’s 2018 Capital Budget application; and additional information filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro pursuant to Order No. P.U. 43(2017). 
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an Order approving a capital expenditure to perform a voltage conversion of the Labrador City Feeder VA26 pursuant to section 41 of the Act; and a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a line extension to serve the Smoky Mountain Ski Club near Labrador City, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
General Rate
A general rate Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to establish customer electricity rates for 2018 and 2019; and an application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval, on an interim basis, of Island Industrial customer rates and Labrador Industrial Transmission rates, effective April 1, 2018.
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a single-phase extension to the Riverbank Road Phase 2 Cottage Area, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Captial Budget
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an Order approving, pursuant to section 41 of the Act: (a) its 2018 capital purchases and construction projects in excess of $50,000; (b) its 2018 Capital Budget; and (c) its estimated contributions in aid of construction for 2018; and Order No. P.U. 43(2017) in relation to Hydro’s 2018 Capital Budget application; and additional information filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro pursuant to Order No. P.U. 43(2017); and the proposed Muskrat Falls to Happy Valley-Goose Bay Interconnection project which was deferred pursuant to Order No. P.U. 43(2017). 
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for an Order of the Board providing for disposition of the 2017 balance in the 2017 Demand Management Incentive Account pursuant to sections 58 and 80 of the Act.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of the balance in the Weather Normalization Reserve as of December 31, 2017 pursuant to sections 69(3) and 78 of the Act.
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a single-phase extension to Harmon Seaside Park Developments Limited, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
General Rate - RFI Confidentiality
A general rate application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to establish customer electricity rates for 2018 and 2019; and an application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an order that its responses to two information requests be considered confidential.
General Rate - Defferal of Cost of Service Methodolgy Issues
A general rate application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to establish customer electricity rates for 2018 and 2019; and an application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro requesting deferral of certain cost of service methodology issues raised in the 2017 general rate application
General Rate - Revised Interim Rates to be Charged to Newfoundland Power
A general rate application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to establish customer electricity rates for 2018 and 2019; and an application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of revised rates to be charged to Newfoundland Power on an interim basis, effective July 1, 2018. 
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a single-phase extension to the Indian Cove Cottage Area, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
General Rate - Consumer Advocate Motion for an Order declaring Order in Council Jurisdicition
A general rate application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to establish customer electricity rates for 2018 and 2019; and a motion by the Consumer Advocate for an order declaring whether two Orders-in-Council restrict the Board’s jurisdiction to allow Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s application to recover any costs relating to components of the Muskrat Falls Project.
Rates - Confidential RFIs
A general rate application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to establish customer electricity rates for 2018 and 2019; an application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an order that its responses to two information requests be considered confidential; and an application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro requesting that the information contained in Table 2 of Hydro’s response to PUB-NLH-149 be considered confidential
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure to supplement the 2018 Allowance for Unforeseen Items for the construction and purchase of certain improvements and additions to its property pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Rate Stabilization
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. pursuant to Sections 70 and 75 of the Act for approval of: (i) revised rate stabilization and municipal tax adjustments for the period July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019; and (ii) a revised schedule of rates, tolls and charges; and (iii) amended rules and regulations.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, pursuant to section 70 of the Act and Order Nos. P.U. 49(2016) and P.U. 22(2017), for the approval of a change in the CDM Cost Recovery Adjustment to be charged to Island Industrial Customers effective July 1, 2018. 
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a change in rates to be charged to its Island Interconnected, L’Anse au Loup and Isolated Rural customers.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure to complete Level 2 condition assessments on penstocks at the Bay d’Espoir Hydroelectric Generating Station pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
General Rate
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. a general rate application by Newfoundland Power Inc. to establish customer electricity rates for 2019 and 2020.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure to restore the design performance of the air heaters to increase the generating capacity of Units 1, 2, and 3 at the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of the sale of the Corner Brook Frequency Converter to Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited and of amendments to its Service Agreement, pursuant to sections 38, 48, and 71 of the Act. 
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to enter into a Temporary Service Agreement with a new customer in Labrador West.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a capital expenditure to replace the roof at its Duffy Place facility, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Rate Base
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval to include in its 2016 and 2017 rate base certain expenses in excess of the approved 2016 and 2017 Allowance for Unforeseen Items, pursuant section 78 of the Act.
The Board’s Investigation and Hearing into Supply Issues and Power Outages on the Island Interconnected System  
Confidential RFIs
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro requesting that its responses to three requests for information relating to the Near-Term Generation Adequacy Report be considered confidential.
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a line extension to provide three-phase service to Newco Metal and Auto Recycling Limited, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a regulation to restrict load additions in Labrador East.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure for a Control System between Mary’s Harbour Diesel Plant and St. Mary’s River Hydro Plant pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure to upgrade the Happy Valley-Goose Bay distribution system pursuant to section 41 of the Act. 
Capital Budget
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for an Order pursuant to sections 41 and 78 of the Act: (a) approving a 2019 Capital Budget of $93,304,000; (b) approving certain capital expenditures related to multi-year projects commencing in 2019; and  (c) fixing and determining a 2017 rate base of $1,092,254,000.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a regulation to restrict load additions in Labrador East and Order No. P.U. 32(2018); and an application for approval of a revised regulation to restrict load additions in Labrador East.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of an interruptible load service agreement with Labrador Lynx Limited.
Supplemental Capital Expenditure
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval to reroute transmission lines TL 239 and TL 226 pursuant to section 41 of the Act. 
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a revision to its Schedule of Rates, Tolls and Charges to modify the specifically assigned charge to an island industrial customer pursuant to section 70 of the Act. 
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of an Amended and Restated Capacity Assistance Agreement with Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited pursuant to section 70(1), 71 and 80 of the Act.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval an application from Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a Pilot Agreement for the Optimization of Hydraulic Resources, a Hydraulic Resources Optimization Deferral Account, and revised Rate Stabilization Plan rules; and an application from Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro requesting that a portion of the response to a request for information relating to the above application be considered confidential.
The Board’s Investigation and Hearing into Supply Issues and Power Outages on the Island Interconnected System  
Confidential RFIs
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro requesting that portions of responses to two requests for information relating to the Near-Term Generation Adequacy Report be considered confidential.
Contribution in Aid of Construction
Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a line extension to provide single-phase service to Destination RV Resort Inc., pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a Load Curtailable Agreement with Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited pursuant to sections 70, 71 and 80 of the Act.
Rules and Regulations (Service Agreements)
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to enter into a Temporary Service Agreement with a new customer in Labrador West and Order No. P.U. 27(2018); and an application for costs by the Labrador Interconnected Group.
Capital Budget
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an Order approving, pursuant to section 41 of the Act: (a) its 2019 capital purchases and construction projects in excess of $50,000; (b) its 2019 Capital Budget; (c) its estimated contributions in aid of construction for 2019; and (d) fixing and determining Hydro’s average rate base for 2013 and 2014 in the amounts of $1,546,930,000 and $1,620,982,000, respectively.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves
A general rate application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to establish customer electricity rates for 2018 and 2019; and an application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval to defer costs incurred for the use of the Labrador-Island Link and Labrador Transmission Assets as directed in Order in Council OC2018-213.
General Rate - Interim Rates - Deferral Account
A general rate application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to establish customer electricity rates for 2018 and 2019; and an application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval, on an interim basis, of changes to Island Industrial customer rates, and to establish a cost deferral account for 2018 in relation to a proposed change in depreciation methodology.
Deferrals, Accounts and Reserves - Rate Stabilization
Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a Pilot Agreement for the Optimization of Hydraulic Resources, a Hydraulic Resources Optimization Deferral Account, and revised Rate Stabilization Plan rules pursuant to sections 69(3), 70, 71 and 76 of the Act. 
Contribution in Aid of Construction
A filing by Newfoundland Power Inc. in accordance with Order No. P.U. 4(1997-98) to update the cost factors used in its Contribution in Aid of Construction Policy.

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of two exceptions to financial reporting requirements relating to contributions in aid of construction and the provision of betterment to non-customers, pursuant to Section 58 of the Act.
  1. Hydro’s proposal to continue its historic treatment of recording all contributions to assets, both from customers and entities that are not customers, as CIACs for financial statement purposes and to offset the CIAC against the cost of the asset for computation of average rate base, is approved.
  2. Hydro’s proposal that betterment not be provided to non-customers is not approved.
  3. Hydro shall pay all the expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  January 16, 2017  
The Board’s Investigation and Hearing into Supply Issues and Power Outages on the Island Interconnected System Matter
  Motion by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to strike out three reports filed by Grand Riverkeeper Labrador, Inc.
  1. Hydro’s motion to strike the two Bernander reports dated November 26, 2015 and October 13, 2016, and the Raphals report dated October 17, 2016, is granted.
  2. Hydro shall pay the expenses of the Board associated with the matter.
  Date Issued:  
  January 20, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a Load Curtailable Agreement with Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited pursuant to sections 70, 71 and 80 of the Act.
  1. The proposed Load Curtailable Agreement with Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited is approved.
  2. Hydro shall file with the Board, no later than April 15 of the year following each winter period December 1 - March 31 while the agreement is in place, a report setting out the dates, times, duration and system conditions, including generation available and calculation of system reserve, under which capacity assistance was requested, the capacity assistance requested and provided, and the capacity and variable payments made.
  3. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  January 25, 2017  
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval to issue Series AP First Mortgage Bonds pursuant to section 91 of the Act.
  1. Newfoundland Power’s proposal to issue Series AP First Mortgage Bonds in an amount of up to $100,000,000 to repay short term indebtedness is approved subject to the following conditions:
    1. The Series AP First Mortgage Bonds shall be issued on or before December 31, 2017.
    2. Newfoundland Power shall file with the Board a report specifying the terms and conditions of the bond issue within five (5) days after closing, setting out the following:
      1. date of issue;
      2. term;
      3. maturity date;
      4. principal amount;
      5. coupon rate;
      6. particulars of sinking fund, if any;
      7. price to public and to the underwriters;
      8. yield to the public;
      9. underwriting fee;
      10. actual cost (i.e. yield) to Newfoundland Power; and
      11. any other material terms or conditions.
    3. Newfoundland Power shall file with the Board a copy of the Underwriting Agreement relating to the bonds within five (5) days after closing.
    4. Newfoundland Power shall file with the Board a report on the disposition of the proceeds no later than six months from the date of the closing.
  2. Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  February 2, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval to construct a distribution feeder at the Bottom Waters Terminal Station pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The proposed capital expenditure in the amount of $3,045,000 to construct a distribution feeder at the Bottom Waters Terminal Station is approved.
  2. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  February 24, 2017  
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a capital expenditure to replace the substation transformer at Riverhead Substation pursuant to section 41 of the Act; and an application for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a distribution line for the St. Lawrence Fluorspar Mine pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The proposed capital expenditures in the amount of:
    1. $1,475,000 to replace the substation transformer at the Riverhead Substation; and
    2. $1,354,000 to provide substation equipment and construct a distribution feeder to serve the St. Lawrence Fluorspar Mine are approved.
  2. The Contribution in Aid of Construction of eight hundred and eighty six thousand and fifty six dollars ($886,056), excluding HST, to extend 3-phase power to the fluorspar mining facility near the Town of St. Lawrence is approved.
  3. Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  February 24, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to acquire two 230 kV transmission lines serving Labrador West pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The proposed capital expenditure in the amount of $3,168,944 for:
    1. the sublease of two 230 kV transmission lines that run from Churchill Falls to the Twin Falls generating plant site;
    2. the sublease of two 230 kV transmission lines that run from the Twin Falls generating plant site to the Wabush Terminal Station;
    3. the lease of electrical equipment situated in the Churchill Falls Switchyard; and
    4. the purchase of spare parts and inventory associated with the Wabush Terminal Station, the Churchill Falls Switchyard and the transmission lines is approved.
  2. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  February 24, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval to delay the filing of its General Rate Application pursuant to sections 70, 71 and 76 of the Act.
  1. Hydro shall file its next general rate application no later than July 31, 2017.
  2. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  March 16, 2017  
The Board’s Investigation and Hearing into Supply Issues and Power Outages on the Island Interconnected System
  Request by Grand Riverkeeper Labrador, Inc. that the Board rescind or amend Order No. P.U. 2(2017).
  1. The GRK application to rescind or amend Order No. P.U. 2(2017) is denied.
  Date Issued:  
  March 29, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to replace the exciter controls for Units 1 and 2 at the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The proposed capital expenditure in the amount of $1,349,200 to replace the exciter control modules for Units 1 and 2 at the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station is approved.
  2. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  April 3, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval to replace equipment at the Wabush Terminal Station pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The proposed project to: 
    1. replace one 46 kV circuit breaker, 46-33, and complete breaker and feeder protection upgrades for this circuit breaker;
    2. replace thirty-six 46 kV post insulators, twenty-four 46 kV suspension insulators, and twenty-four 230 kV suspension insulators;
    3. purchase and replace shaft seals and resistance rings for synchronous condenser 1 and 2; and
    4. complete Level 2 condition assessments of synchronous condenser 1 and 2 is approved, with estimated capital expenditures in the amounts of $2,585,200 in 2017 and $327,300 in 2018.
  2. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  April 10, 2017  
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of the balance in the Weather Normalization Reserve as of December 31, 2016 pursuant to sections 69(3) and 78 of the Act.
  1. Newfoundland Power’s Weather Normalization Reserve of a negative balance of $1,720,704.94 as of December 31, 2016 is approved.
  2. Newfoundland Power shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board in connection with this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  April 20, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to inspect and refurbish Bay d’Espoir Penstock 2 and to complete a major overhaul on Bay d’Espoir Unit 3 Turbine pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The proposed capital expenditure in the amount of $9,063,700 to inspect and refurbish Bay d’Espoir Penstock 2 is approved subject to the following conditions:
    1. Hydro shall file, on the day following the third day of inspection, an analysis by a qualified engineer or other appropriate expert, containing field findings on the weld condition and indicating whether or not the work must proceed, to support the refurbishment of the penstock; and
    2. Hydro shall file copies of any subsequent inspection and assessment reports in connection with the refurbishment of the penstock.
  2. The proposed capital expenditure in the amount $2,361,500 to complete a major overhaul on Bay d’Espoir Unit 3 Turbine is approved.
  3. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  April 21, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application for a general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on July 30, 2013; and an amended general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on November 10, 2014; and Order No. P.U. 49(2016); and an application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on January 27, 2017 with revised proposals related to the general rate application to reflect Order No. P.U. 49(2016).
  1. Hydro shall file a revised Compliance Application arising from Order No. P.U. 49(2016), incorporating the findings of the Board in this Decision and Order.
  2. Hydro shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  May 1, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application for a general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure to supplement the 2017 Allowance for Unforeseen Items for the construction and purchase of certain improvements and additions to its property pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The addition of a supplementary amount of $500,000 to the 2017 Allowance for Unforeseen Items is approved.
  2. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  May 2, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application for a general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on July 30, 2013; and an amended general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on November 10, 2014; and Order No. P.U. 49(2016); and an application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on January 27, 2017 with revised proposals related to the general rate application to reflect Order No. P.U. 49(2016); and Order No. P.U. 14(2017).
  1. Hydro shall transfer the Newfoundland Power RSP Load Variation balance to the Newfoundland Power RSP Current Plan to mitigate the proposed July 1, 2017 RSP Adjustment rate increase.
  2. Hydro shall provide with its revised compliance application detailed calculations in relation to the transfer from the Newfoundland Power RSP Load Variation balance and the resulting impacts on rates.
  3. Hydro shall set out the proposed RSP Current Plan rate on the Utility Rate sheet showing i) the RSP Current Plan rate, calculated in the ordinary course, and ii) the RSP Current Plan mitigation rate.
  4. Hydro shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  May 12, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro & Newfoundland Power Inc.
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of rules and rates for a Net Metering Program; and an application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of rules and rates for a Net Metering Service Option.
  1. Hydro’s proposal to revise its Schedule of Rates, Rules and Regulations to permit the implementation of the net metering program is approved, to be effective as of July 1, 2017.
  2. Hydro shall file a revised Schedule of Rates, Rules and Regulations for the approval of the Board.
  3. Newfoundland Power’s proposal to revise its i) rates, tolls and charges and ii) rules and regulations to permit the implementation of the net metering program is approved, to be effective as of July 1, 2017.
  4. Newfoundland Power shall file revised i) rates, tolls and charges and ii) rules and regulations for the approval of the Board.
  5. Hydro and Newfoundland Power shall provide an annual report, beginning on April 1, 2018, on their respective net metering programs.
  6. Hydro and Newfoundland Power shall pay the costs and expenses of the Board associated with these applications, to be shared equally.
  Date Issued:  
  May 18, 2017  
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for three-phase service to the Town of Conception Bay South, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The Contribution in Aid of Construction of two hundred and thirteen thousand seven hundred dollars and forty six cents ($213,700.46), excluding HST, to provide three-phase service to a waste management station in the Town of Conception Bay South is approved.
  2. Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  May 19, 2017  
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of capital expenditures to refurbish Turbine No. 1 and perform rockfall remediation at the Rose Blanche hydro plant pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The proposed capital expenditure in the amount of $1,787,000 to refurbish Turbine No. 1 at the Rose Blanche hydro plant is approved.
  2. The proposed capital expenditure in the amount of $1,494,000 to perform rockfall remediation at the Rose Blanche hydro plant is approved.
  3. Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  May 23, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure to refurbish and replace critical systems and equipment at the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The proposed capital expenditure in the amount of $2,610,000 to refurbish and replace critical systems and equipment at the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station including:
    1. boiler air flow and heat transfer equipment refurbishments and replacements including boiler air heaters and expansion joints;
    2. piping, valves, and heat tracing replacements related to boiler feed water, steam, and cooling water systems; and
    3. turbine and generator lubrication and control system replacements including DC tube oil, pump motor starters, and speed probes and cables is approved.
  2. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  May 30, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure to repair and advance the overhaul of the Happy Valley gas turbine pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The proposed capital expenditure in the amount of $3,714,800 for the repair and advanced overhaul of the Happy Valley gas turbine is approved.
  2. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  May 30, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application for a general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on July 30, 2013; and an amended general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on November 10, 2014; and Order No. P.U. 49(2016); and an application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on January 27, 2017 with revised proposals related to the general rate application to reflect Order No. P.U. 49(2016); and Order No. P.U. 14(2017) and P.U. 16(2017).

1.   A revised average rate base for 2013 of $1,549,685,000 is approved.
2.   For the purpose of calculating the 2014 revenue deficiency the following are approved:
         a. a 2014 test year revenue requirement of $554,646,000;
         b. a 2014 forecast average rate base of $1,629,088,000; and
         c. a rate of return on average rate base for 2014 of 7.18% in a range of 6.98% to 7.38%.
3.   For 2015 rate setting purposes the following are approved:
         a. a 2015 test year revenue requirement of $566,510,000;
         b. a 2015 forecast average rate base of $1,785,353,000; and
         c. a rate of return on average rate base for 2015 of 6.61% in a range of 6.41% to 6.81%.
4.   For the purpose of calculating the 2015 revenue deficiency the following are approved:
         a. a 2015 test year revenue requirement of $539,219,000;
         b. a 2015 test year forecast average rate base of $1,729,093,000; and
         c. a rate of return on average rate base for 2015 of 6.67%, in a range of 6.47% to 6.87%.
5.   For the purpose of calculating the 2016 revenue deficiency the following are approved:
         a. a 2016 revenue requirement of $544,382,000;
         b. a forecast average rate base for 2016 of $1,802,235,000; and
         c. a rate of return on average rate base for 2016 of 6.61% in a range of 6.41% to 6.81%.

6.   Hydro's proposal to not reflect the use of actual No. 6 fuel costs in the 2014 test year revenue requirement for the
      purpose of calculating the 2014 revenue deficiency is approved.
7.   Hydro's proposal to include the 2014 additional capacity-related supply costs approved for recovery by the Board in
      calculating its 2014 revenue deficiency is approved.
8.   Hydro's proposal to credit $6,577,000 to increase the balance in the Newfoundland Power RSP Current Plan balance
      effective January 1, 2017, and to debit $804,000 from the Newfoundland Power RSP Current Plan balance effective
      June 30, 2017, to eliminate the cumulative excess earnings for the period 2014 to 2017 from Newfoundland Power,
      is approved.
9.   Hydro's proposal to apply a rate reduction to Hydro's rural customers on the Labrador Interconnected System to       provide for the disposition of cumulative excess revenues over the period 2014 to 2017 is approved.
10.  Hydro's proposal to provide a refund to Labrador Industrial Transmission customers for disposition of cumulative
      excess revenues over the period 2014 to 2017 is approved.

11.   The following riders and adjustments for Hydro’s Utility Customer rate are approved to be effective July 1, 2017:
         a. RSP Fuel Price Projection Rider of 0.672 ¢ per kWh
         b. RSP Recovery Adjustment of (0.132) ¢ per kWh
         c. RSP Mitigation Adjustment rate of (0.911) ¢ per kWh
         d. Conservation and Demand Management Cost Recovery Adjustment of 0.019 ¢ per kWh
12.   The rates to be charged by Hydro to Newfoundland Power, Labrador Interconnected customers, Labrador Industrial Transmission customers, and Government Departments in Hydro’s diesel service areas, as set out in Schedule A to this Order, to be effective for electrical consumption on or after July 1, 2017, are approved.
13.   The Rules and Regulations for service to Hydro’s Rural customers, as set out in Schedule B to this Order, to be effective as of July 1, 2017, are approved.
14.   The Rules and Regulations for Hydro’s Conservation and Demand Management Cost Recovery, as set out in Schedule C to this Order, to be effective as of July 1, 2017, are approved.
15.   The Rate Stabilization Plan Rules, as set out in Schedule D to this Order, to be effective as of July 1, 2017, are approved.
16.   The interim Utility Customer rates approved in Order Nos. P.U 29(2013), P.U. 47(2014), P.U. 14(2015) and P.U. 9(2016), effective for consumption on and after September 1, 2013, are approved on a final basis.
17.   The interim Government Diesel rates approved in Order No. P.U. 14(2015), effective for consumption on and after July 1, 2015, are approved on a final basis.
18.   The interim Labrador Industrial Transmission Rate approved in Order Nos. P.U. 57(2014) and P.U. 15(2016), effective for consumption on and after January 1, 2015, is approved on a final basis.

19.   The following deferral account definitions, as set out in Schedule E to this Order, to be effective as of July 1, 2017 is approved:
         a. Isolated Systems Supply Cost Variance Deferral Account
         b. Energy Supply Cost Variance Deferral Account
         c. Conservation and Demand Management Cost Deferral Account
         d. Holyrood Conversion Rate Deferral Account
20.   The excess earnings account definition, as set out Schedule F to this Order, to be effective as of July 1, 2017, is approved.

21.   Hydro shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board, including those of the Consumer Advocate, arising from this Application.

  Date Issued:  
  June 14, 2017  
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval pursuant to Sections 70 and 75 of the Act and Order Nos. P.U. 13(2013), P.U. 23(2013) and P.U. 17(2017) for: (i) approval of revisions to the rates, rules and regulations for a change in costs payable to Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for the supply of power as a result of a revised utility rate effective July 1, 2017; (ii) approval of revised rate stabilization and municipal tax adjustments for the period July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018; (iii) approval of a revised Rate Stabilization Clause related to the Maximum Monthly Charge; and (iv) approval of revised rates, rules and regulations to implement a Net Metering Service Option.
  1. The Rate Stabilization Adjustment of (0.195) cents per kWh and the Municipal Tax Adjustment Factor of 1.02806 for the period July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 is approved.
  2. The Schedule of Rates, Tolls and Charges, as set out in Schedule A to this Order, to be effective on all electrical consumption on and after July 1, 2017, including the revised Rate Stabilization Clause and amendments to permit the implementation of a Net Metering Service Option, is approved.
  3. Newfoundland Power shall pay the expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  June 15, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application for a general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on July 30, 2013; and an amended general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on November 10, 2014; and Order No. P.U. 49(2016); and an application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on January 27, 2017 with revised proposals related to the general rate application to reflect Order No. P.U. 49(2016); and Order No. P.U. 14(2017) and P.U. 16(2017); and the revised general rate application proposals related to the Industrial Customer Rate Stabilization Plan.
  1. Hydro shall transfer the necessary funds from the Industrial Customer RSP Load Variation balance to eliminate the cumulative revenue deficiency for the period 2014 to 2017 for Island Industrial customers.
  2. Hydro will make a one-time payment of $0.174 million from the Industrial Customer RSP Load Variation balance to NARL Refining Limited Partnership on or before July 1, 2017.
  3. Hydro shall transfer the remaining Industrial Customer RSP Load Variation balance to the Industrial Customer RSP Current Plan to mitigate the proposed July 1, 2017 RSP Adjustment rate increase.
  4. Hydro shall file for the approval of the Board a revised Schedule of Rates, Tolls and Charges and RSP Rules, effective July 1, 2017, incorporating the findings of the Board in this Order and setting out detailed calculations in relation to the transfers from the Industrial Customer RSP Load Variation balance and the resulting impacts on rates.
  5. The revised Schedule of Rates, Tolls and Charges and RSP Rules shall set out the proposed RSP Current Plan rate, calculated in the ordinary course, as well as the RSP Current Plan mitigation rate.
  6. Hydro shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board arising in this matter.
  Date Issued:  
  June 20, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application for a general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a change in rates to be charged to its Island Interconnected, L’Anse au Loup and Isolated Rural customers and for approval of revised Rules and Regulations.
  1. The rates proposed by Hydro to be effective for all electrical consumption on or after July 1, 2017 for its Island Interconnected and L’Anse au Loup customers (Rates 1.1, 1.1S, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4 and 4.1) and Isolated Rural customers, excluding government departments (Rates 1.2D, 1.2DS, 2.1D, 2.2D and 4.1D), as set out in Schedule A to this Order, are approved.
  2. The Rules and Regulations as set out in Schedule B to this Order are approved.
  3. The interim rates approved in Order Nos. P.U. 19(2015) and P.U. 26(2016) for Island Interconnected and Isolated Rural customers, effective for consumption on and after July 1, 2015, are approved on a final basis. 
  4. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  June 30, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application for a general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on July 30, 2013; and an amended general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on November 10, 2014; and Order No. P.U. 49(2016); and an application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on January 27, 2017 with revised proposals related to the general rate application to reflect Order No. P.U. 49(2016); and Order No. P.U. 24(2017); and an application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a change in rates to be charged to its Island Industrial customers and revised Rate Stabilization Plan rules.
  1. The rates proposed by Hydro to be effective for all electrical consumption on or after July 1, 2017 for its Island Industrial customers, as set out in Schedule A to this Order, are approved.
  2. The Rate Stabilization Plan rules as set out in Schedule B to this Order are approved.
  3. The interim rates approved for Industrial Customers in Order Nos. P.U. 29(2013), P.U. 21 (2015) and P.U. 35(2015), effective for consumption on and after September 1, 2013, are approved on a final basis. 
  4. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  July 6, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure to supplement the 2017 Allowance for Unforeseen Items for the construction and purchase of certain improvements and additions to its property pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The addition of a supplementary amount of $540,000 to the 2017 Allowance for Unforeseen Items is approved.
  2. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  July 19, 2017  
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for three-phase service to 10718 Nfld Inc., pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The Contribution in Aid of Construction of three hundred and thirty-eight thousand six hundred fifty four dollars ($338,654), excluding HST, to provide three-phase service to an industrial park, Glencrest Business Centre, in the City of St. John’s is approved.
  2. Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  July 19, 2017  
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction to upgrade the three-phase service provided to Husky Energy Inc.’s graving dock in Argentia, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The Contribution in Aid of Construction of two hundred and forty nine thousand four hundred and ninety eight dollars and eighty cents ($249,498.80), excluding HST, to upgrade the three-phase service to Husky Energy Inc.’s  graving dock in Argentia is approved.
  2. Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  September 8, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a general rate application to establish customer electricity rates for 2018 and 2019.
  1. The intervenors in the Application are as set out in Schedule “A” to this Order.
  2. The schedule of dates for the Application shall be as set out in Schedule “B” to this Order and may be amended by the direction of the Board.
  3. The rules of procedure for the Application shall be as set out in Schedule “C” to this Order.
  Date Issued:  
  September 25, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of revisions to the Rate Stabilization Plan Rules, a revision to the Industrial customer rate sheets and the transfer of the Industrial Customer Rate Stabilization Plan Surplus Balance to the Industrial Customer Rate Stabilization Current Plan.
  1. The revisions to the Rate Stabilization Plan rules, as set out in Schedule A to this Order, effective September 30, 2017, are approved.
  2. The revision to the Industrial Customer rate sheets, as set out in Schedule B to this Order, effective September 30, 2017, is approved.
  3. A transfer of the balance in the Industrial Customer RSP Surplus account to the Industrial Customer RSP Current Plan, effective September 30, 2017, is approved.
  4. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  October 10, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for a general rate application filed on July 30, 2013; and an amended general rate application filed on November 10, 2014; and applications for costs pursuant to Order No. P.U. 49(2016) by: i) the Industrial Customer Group; ii) Innu Nation; iii) the Nunatsiavut Government; and iv) Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited.
  1. The costs of the Industrial Customer Group are fixed at $300,000, exclusive of HST.
  2. The costs of Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited are fixed at $150,000, exclusive of HST.
  3. The costs of Innu Nation are fixed at $75,000, exclusive of HST.
  4. The costs of the Nunatsiavut Government are fixed at $75,000, exclusive of HST.
  5. Hydro shall, within thirty days, pay to the Industrial Customer Group, Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited, Innu Nation and the Nunatsiavut Government the costs fixed in this order.
  6. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from these Applications.
  Date Issued:  
  October 24, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a Commissioning Power Non-Firm Rate pursuant to Sections 70(1) and 71 of the Act.
  1. The Commissioning Power Non-Firm Rate proposed by Hydro, as set out in Schedule A to be effective on electrical consumption on and after the date of this Order is approved.
  2. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  October 27, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a revised Capacity Assistance Agreement with Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited pursuant to section 70(1), 71 and 80 of the Act.
  1. The Revised Capacity Assistance Agreement between Hydro and Corner Pulp and Paper Limited, to be effective as of November 1, 2017, is approved.
  2. Hydro shall file a report no later than May 30 of each year during the term of the Revised Capacity Assistance Agreement setting out for the latest winter period:
    1. the capacity assistance requested and provided, including dates, times and duration;
    2. the system conditions at the time of the capacity assistance request, including generation available and calculation of system reserve; and
    3. payments made.
  3. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  October 31, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to establish customer electricity rates for 2018 and 2019; and a submission filed by the Labrador Interconnected Group requesting an order of the Board directing Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to respond to certain requests for information.
  1. Hydro shall provide a response to the following Requests for Information in accordance with the findings of the Board: LAB-NLH-004, LAB-NLH-005, LAB-NLH-007, LAB-NLH-008, LAB-NLH-009, LAB-NLH-021, LAB-NLH-022, LAB-NLH-036, LAB-NLH-037, LAB-NLH-038, LAB-NLH-039, and LAB-NLH-040.
  2. Hydro will not be required to provide a response to LAB-NLH-016.
  3. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  November 3, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to establish customer electricity rates for 2018 and 2019; and a submission by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro setting out reasons as to why it should not be required to respond to certain requests for information filed by the Consumer Advocate.
  1. Hydro shall provide a response to the following Requests for Information in accordance with the findings of the Board: CA-NLH-007, CA-NLH-019, CA-NLH-031, CA-NLH-032 and CA-NLH-090.
  2. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  November 3, 2017  
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for an Order pursuant to Sections 41 and 78 of the Act: (a) approving a 2018 Capital Budget of $83,876,000; (b) approving certain capital expenditures related to multi-year projects commencing in 2018; and (c) fixing and determining a 2016 rate base of $1,061,044,000.
  1. Newfoundland Power’s proposed construction and purchase of improvements or additions to its property to be completed in 2018, as set out in Schedule A to this Order, are approved.
  2. Newfoundland Power’s proposed multi-year construction and purchase of improvements or additions to its property to begin in 2018, as set out in Schedule B to this Order, are approved.
  3. Newfoundland Power’s 2018 Capital Budget for improvements or additions to its property in an amount of $83,876,000, as set out in Schedule C to this Order, is approved.
  4. Newfoundland Power’s average rate base for the year ending December 31, 2016 is hereby fixed and determined at $1,061,044,000.
  5. Unless otherwise directed by the Board, Newfoundland Power shall file an annual report to the Board on its 2018 capital expenditures by March 1, 2019.
  6. Unless otherwise directed by the Board, Newfoundland Power shall provide, in conjunction with the 2019 Capital Budget Application, a status report on the 2018 capital budget expenditures showing for each project:
    1. the approved budget for 2018;
    2. the expenditures prior to 2018;
    3. the 2018 expenditures to the date of the application;
    4. the remaining projected expenditures for 2018;
    5. the variance between the projected total expenditures and the approved budget; and
    6. an explanation of the variance.
  7. Newfoundland Power shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board incurred in connection with the Application.
  Date Issued:  
  November 6, 2017  
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction to provide three-phase service to a lift station on Indian Pond Drive in the Town of Conception Bay South, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The Contribution in Aid of Construction of one hundred and fourteen thousand five hundred and eighty two dollars and sixty one cents ($114,582.61), excluding HST, to provide three-phase service to a lift station on Indian Pond Drive in the Town of Conception Bay South is approved.
  2. Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  November 24, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for the recovery of 2015 and 2016 balances in the Isolated Systems Supply Cost Variance Deferral Account, the Energy Supply Cost Variance Deferral Account, and the Holyrood Conversion Rate Deferral Account, pursuant to sections 70(1) and 80 of the Act.
  1. The Application is dismissed.
  2. Hydro shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  November 29, 2017  
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  A filing by Newfoundland Power Inc. in accordance with Order No. P.U. 4(1997-98) to update the cost factors used in its Contribution in Aid of Construction Policy.
  1. The revised cost factors as set out in Schedules A, B, C and D to this Order are approved to be used in the calculation of all CIACs with effect from January 1, 2018, and, where advantageous to the customer, on all CIACs quoted but unpaid as of January 1, 2018.
  2. Newfoundland Power shall submit a revised CIAC Policy incorporating the revisions approved herein.
  3. Newfoundland Power shall pay the expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  December 7, 2017  
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  A filing by Newfoundland Power Inc. by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of its 2018 forecast average rate base and rate of return on rate base in accordance with Order No. P.U. 18(2016).
  1. Newfoundland Power’s forecast average rate base for 2018 of $1,115,997,000 is approved.
  2. Newfoundland Power’s rate of return on rate base for 2018 of 7.04% in a range of 6.86% to 7.22% is approved.
  3. Newfoundland Power shall pay the expenses of the Board in connection with this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  December 8, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval to issue debt pursuant to section 91 of the Act.
  1. The proposal by Hydro proposal to borrow from the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador in an amount of up to $700,000,000 to retire outstanding short-term debt, including an outstanding short-term promissory note in favour of Nalcor, and to finance items such as debt service, fuel, ongoing capital, operating and maintenance costs, the refinancing of Series X debentures, and Hydro’s approved capital program, is approved subject to the following conditions:
    1. The debt shall be issued on or before March 31, 2018.
    2. Hydro shall file with the Board an affidavit specifying the terms and conditions of the debt issue within five (5) days after terms and conditions have been successfully negotiated, setting out the following where applicable:
      1. date of issue;
      2. term;
      3. maturity date;
      4. principal amount;
      5. interest rate;
      6. price to the public and to the underwriters;
      7. yield to the public;
      8. underwriting fee;
      9. actual cost (i.e. yield) to Hydro; and
      10. any other material terms or conditions.
    3. Hydro shall file with the Board a copy of the Loan Agreement relating to the debt issue within five (5) days after the conditions have been accepted by Hydro.
    4. Hydro shall file with the Board a report on the disposition of the proceeds no later than six months from the date of the closing.
  2. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  December 11, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an Order approving, pursuant to Section 41 of the Act: (a) its 2018 capital purchases and construction; projects in excess of $50,000; (b) its 2018 Capital Budget; and (c) its estimated contributions in aid of construction for 2018.
  1. Hydro’s proposed construction and purchase of improvements or additions to its property in excess of $50,000 to be completed in 2018, as set out in Schedule A to this Order, are approved.
  2. Hydro’s proposed multi-year construction and purchase of improvements or additions to its property in excess of $50,000 to begin in 2018, as set out in Schedule B to this Order, are approved.
  3. Hydro’s proposed contributions in aid of construction for 2018 are approved.
  4. Hydro’s 2018 Capital Budget for improvements or additions to its property in an amount of $170,868,300, as set out in Schedule C to this Order, is approved.
  5. Unless otherwise directed by the Board Hydro shall file with its 2019 Capital Budget Application:
        a. an updated overview in relation to capital expenditures for the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station; and
        b. a report setting out near-term and long-term plans for the Hardwoods and Stephenville gas turbines.
  6. Unless otherwise directed by the Board Hydro shall file an annual report on its 2018 capital expenditures by March 1, 2019.
  7. Unless otherwise directed by the Board Hydro shall provide, in conjunction with the 2019 Capital Budget Application, a status report on the 2018 capital budget expenditures showing for each project:
        (i) the approved budget for 2018;
        (ii) the expenditures prior to 2018;
        (iii) the 2018 expenditures to the date of the application; \
        (iv) the remaining projected expenditures for 2018;
        (v) the variance between the projected total expenditures and the approved budget; and
        (vi) an explanation of the variance.
  8. The Industrial Customer Group may file a claim for costs within 30 days of this Order.
  9. Hydro shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board incurred in connection with the Application.
  Date Issued:  
  December 22, 2017  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval to continue the current Island Industrial customer rates pursuant to Sections 70(1) and 71 of the Act.
  1. The January 1, 2018 adjustment to the Island Industrial customer Rate Stabilization Plan rates is suspended until a further Order of the Board.
  2. The current Island Industrial customer rates are continued on an interim basis, effective January 1, 2018, and Hydro shall within 30 days of this Order file a revised Schedule of Rates, Tolls and Charges setting out that the rates for the Island Industrial customers are interim.
  3. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  December 28, 2017  

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application for approval of costs by Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited pursuant to Order No. P.U. 17(2015).
  1. The costs of Vale are fixed at $5,232.00, exclusive of HST
  2. Hydro shall, within thirty days, pay costs to Vale in the amount of $5,232.00.
  Date Issued:  
  January 28, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application for approval of a cost submission by Vale Newfoundland & Labrador Limited pursuant to Order No. P.U. 36(2015).
  1. The costs of Vale are fixed at $4,167.00, exclusive of HST.
  2. Hydro shall, within thirty days, pay costs to Vale in the amount of $4,167.00.
  Date Issued:  
  January 28, 2016  
Newfoundland Power
  Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of:
(i) revised distribution line costs per metre for Contributions in Aid of Construction (CIACs);
(ii) revised distribution plant upgrade cost for CIACs; and
(iii) CIAC cost factors.
  1. The revised cost factors in Schedules A, B, C and D attached to this Order are approved to be used in the calculation of all CIACs with effect from February 10, 2016, and, where advantageous to customers of Newfoundland Power, on all CIACs quoted but unpaid as of February 10, 2016.
  2. Newfoundland Power shall submit a revised CIAC Policy in its entirety incorporating the revisions approved herein.
  3. Newfoundland Power shall pay the expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  January 28, 2016  
Newfoundland Power
  Application for approval of a of a contribution in aid of construction for single-phase service for the Seventh Day Adventist Church, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The Contribution in Aid of Construction of sixty-nine thousand one hundred ninety-seven dollars and five cents ($69,197.05), excluding HST, to provide single-phase service to Seventh Day Adventist Church is approved.
  2. Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  February 10, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application for approval of costs by Industrial Customer Group pursuant to Order No. P.U. 17(2015).
  1. The costs of the Industrial Customer Group are fixed at $17,587.74, exclusive of HST.
  2. Hydro shall, within thirty days, pay costs to the Industrial Customer Group in the amount of $17,587.74.
  Date Issued:  
  February 10, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application for approval of costs by Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited pursuant to Order No. P.U. 35(2015).
  1. The costs of Vale are fixed at $3,026.00, exclusive of HST.
  2. Hydro shall, within thirty days, pay costs to Vale in the amount of $3.026.00
  Date Issued:  
  February 15, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application for approval of costs by Industrial Customer Group pursuant to Order No. P.U. 35(2015).
  1. The costs of the Industrial Customer Group are fixed at $6,827.75, exclusive of HST. .
  2. Hydro shall, within thirty days, pay costs to the Industrial Customer Group in the amount of $6,827.75
  Date Issued:  
  February 15, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application for approval of a capital expenditure to supplement the 2016 Allowance for Unforeseen Items for the construction and purchase of certain improvements and additions to its property pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The addition of a supplementary amount of $1,000,000 to the 2016 Allowance for Unforeseen Items is approved.
  2. Hydro will establish a separate account to record the variance above the $1,000,000 Allowance for Unforeseen items approved in Order No. P.U. 33(2015) associated with the expenditures related to:
i) the Western Avalon Terminal Station (WAV) – T5 Tap Changer failure;
ii) boiler tube replacement on Holyrood Thermal Generating Station Unit 2;
iii) boiler tube replacement on Holyrood Thermal Generating Station Unit 1; and
iv) transmission line TL 259 rerouting at Sally’s Cove;
with the recovery of this variance to be addressed in a subsequent order of the Board following a further application by Hydro.
  3. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  March 22, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of continued use, on an interim basis, of previously approved revisions to the utility rate charged to Newfoundland Power Inc. pursuant to sections 70 and 71 of the Act.
  1. The proposed Utility rate is approved, on an interim basis, effective December 1, 2015.
  2. Hydro shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board in connection with this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  March 31, 2016  
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for an Order of the Board providing for disposition of the balance in the Optional Seasonal Rate Revenue and Cost Recovery Account pursuant to Sections 58 and 80 of the Act.
  1. The disposition of the balance in the Optional Seasonal Rate Revenue and Cost Recovery Account as of December 31, 2015 by charging the balance of $69,298 to the Rate Stabilization Account as of March 31, 2016 is approved.
  2. Newfoundland Power shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board in connection with this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  April 11, 2016  
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for an Order of the Board approving the balance in the Weather Normalization Reserve as of December 31, 2015 pursuant to sections 69(3) and 78 of the Act.
  1. Newfoundland Power’s Weather Normalization Reserve of a negative balance of $4,410,537 as of December 31, 2015 is approved.
  2. Newfoundland Power shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board in connection with this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  April 11, 2016  
The Board’s Investigation and Hearing into Supply Issues and Power Outages on the Island Interconnected System Matter
  Motion by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for a determination that certain Requests for Information filed by Grand Riverkeeper Labrador, Inc. are outside the scope of the proceeding; and Motion by Grand Riverkeeper Labrador, Inc. for an order directing Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to provide full and complete responses to certain Requests for Information.
  1. The motion of Hydro for an Order determining that GRK-NLH-087-090 are outside the scope of the proceeding is hereby accepted.
  2. The motion of Hydro for an Order determining that GRK-NLH-092 is outside the scope of the proceeding is hereby denied.
  3. The motion of Grand Riverkeeper Labrador, Inc. for an Order requiring Hydro to provide full and complete responses to GRK-NLH-093, GRK-NLH-100, GRK-NLH-104, GRK-NLH-105, GRK-NLH-107 and GRK-NLH-115 through to GRK-NLH-121 is hereby denied.
  Date Issued:  
  April 22, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Prudence Review  
  A review undertaken as part of the Board’s consideration of an amended general rate application, filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (“Hydro”) on November 10, 2014, and examines the prudence of Hydro’s actions and decisions related to 11 projects and expenditures for which Hydro is seeking cost recovery from customers.
  1. Hydro will not recover capital or operating expenses in the 2014 revenue requirement and/or the 2015 test year costs associated with:
    1. overhauls of the Sunnyside B1L03 and Holyrood B1L17 breakers associated with imprudence
    2. the portion of the Sunnyside Terminal Station equipment repairs and replacement associated with imprudence
    3. the Western Avalon T5 tap changer replacement and transformer repairs associated with imprudence
    4. extraordinary transformer and breaker repairs in 2014 and 2015 associated with imprudence
    5. additional supply costs associated with the 2014 failure of Holyrood breaker B1L17 and the resulting outage of Holyrood Unit 1 associated with imprudence
    6. certain expenses related to professional services-consulting fees, salary transfers, and overtime associated with imprudence and the Board’s investigation into the January 2014 outages
    7. Holyrood Unit 1 turbine failure in 2013.
  2. Hydro will not recover in the 2014 revenue requirement $500,000 associated with its imprudence in managing black start capability at Holyrood.
  3. Hydro will create a separate account into which will be transferred professional services-consulting fees, salary transfers and overtime costs for 2014, 2015 and subsequent years relating to Phase Two of the Board’s investigation into the January 2014 outages, with the recovery of the costs to be addressed in a subsequent order of the Board following a further application by Hydro.
  4. Hydro will file in accordance with the subsequent direction of the Board a revised 2014 revenue requirement and revenue deficiency calculation, a revised 2015 test year revenue requirement and revenue deficiency calculation, and supporting documentation reflecting the findings of the Board in this Decision and Order.
  Date Issued:  
  April 28, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to abandon the Long Harbour Terminal Station, pursuant to section 38 of the Act.
  1. Pursuant to Section 38 of the Act, the abandonment by Hydro of the Long Harbour Terminal Station is approved.
  2. Hydro shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board incurred in connection with this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  April 29, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on November 10, 2014; and proposed changes to the interim transmission demand rate for Labrador industrial customers.
  1. The Labrador Industrial-Transmission Rate as set out in Schedule A is approved on an interim basis.
  2. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  May 3, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of: (1) a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a line extension to serve Domestic Customers in the cottage area known as Duley Lake, near Labrador City pursuant to section 41 of the Act; and (2) a deviation from the Contribution in Aid of Construction applicable to Domestic Customers in relation to the calculation based on estimated construction costs in addition to line extension costs as provided for in clause 6(a)(iii) of the policy.
  1. The Non-Refundable Contribution in Aid of Construction of thirteen thousand eight hundred fifty-eight dollars and seventy cents ($13,858.70), excluding HST, to apply to Domestic Customers located in the cottage area known as Duley Lake is approved.
  2. A deviation from the Policy requirement respecting the calculation of the Contribution in Aid of Construction is approved.
  3. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  May 17, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of of a capital expenditure to procure 12 MW of diesel generation at the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The proposed capital expenditure in the amount of $6,300,000 to purchase 12 MW of diesel generation presently installed at the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station is approved.
  2. The proposed deferral and amortization of $1,300,000 over a period of five years with unamortized balances to be included in rate base is approved.
  3. The Industrial Customer Group is entitled to an award of costs in an amount to be fixed by the Board upon the filing of a detailed cost submission within 30 days of this Order.
  4. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  May 24, 2016  
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  Application for approval of a general rate application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of, inter alia, rates to be charged its customers.

Rate Base, Return on Rate Base and Range of Return

  1. Newfoundland Power shall file an application for approval of a revised forecast average rate base and rate of return on rate base for 2016 and 2017, based on the proposals in the Application and incorporating the determinations of the Board in this Order, including: 
    1. a common equity component in the capital structure not to exceed 45% for ratemaking purposes; and
    2. a ratemaking rate of return on common equity of 8.5%.
  2. Newfoundland Power shall file an application on or before November 15, 2017 for approval of the 2018 forecast average rate base and rate of return on rate base maintaining the ratemaking common equity ratio and return on common equity established in this Order.
  3. Newfoundland Power shall, unless otherwise directed by the Board, file its next general rate application, with a 2019 test year, no later than June 1, 2018.
  4. The use of an automatic adjustment formula shall be suspended pending a further Order of the Board.

Revenue Requirement

  1. Newfoundland Power shall calculate and file a revised forecast revenue requirement for the 2016 and 2017 test years, based on the proposals contained in the Application and incorporating the determinations of the Board in this Order, including a reduction of 50% in the Short-Term Incentive amounts related to earnings and regulatory performance.


  1. Newfoundland Power’s proposal to use the depreciation rates recommended in the 2014 Depreciation Study filed for the calculation of depreciation expense with effect from January 1, 2016 is approved.

Other Regulatory Matters

  1. The amortization from July 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018 of hearing costs in an amount of up to $1.0 million is approved, and any costs over this amount billed to Newfoundland Power may be collected through the Rate Stabilization Account.
  2. The amortization from July 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018 of the amount of the revenue shortfall for 2016 resulting from the July 1, 2016 implementation of new rates arising from this Order is approved.
  3. Newfoundland Power’s proposal to change its evaluation of customer conservation programs by use of the total resource cost test and program administrator cost test is approved.

Rates, Rules and Regulations

  1. Newfoundland Power’s proposed changes to the rules and regulations covering service, and proposed changes to rate design and structure, as set out in the Application, are approved.
  2. Newfoundland Power’s proposed changes to the General Service Contribution in Aid of Construction Policy to be effective on and after July 1, 2016 are approved.
  3. Newfoundland Power shall file an application for approval of a revised Schedule of Rates, Tolls and Charges effective for service provided on and after July 1, 2016, based on the proposals in the Application, incorporating the determinations of the Board in this Order, and the annual Rate Stabilization Account adjustment.
  4. Newfoundland Power shall file a revised Rules and Regulations to be effective July 1, 2016.


  1. Newfoundland Power shall pay the costs and expenses of the Board arising from the Application, including the expenses of the Consumer Advocate incurred by the Board.
  Date Issued:  
  June 8, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval to replace boiler tubes on Units 1 and 2 and to complete additional reliability improvements at the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station pursuant to Section 41 of the Act.
  1. The proposed capital expenditure of $11,800,000 to replace lower reheater tubes that service the Unit 1 and 2 boilers and to complete additional reliability improvements to replace critical equipment and conduct level 2 condition assessments at the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station is approved.

  2. Hydro shall report on the contingency expenditures associated with additional component replacements arising from this project, setting out in detail the work which was done, the associated costs and the justification, as a part of its year-end capital expenditures variance report.
  3. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

  Date Issued:  
  June 10, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval to reroute transmission line TL 227 and distribution line Sally’s Cove L1 pursuant to Section 41 of the Act.
  1. The proposed capital expenditures in the amount of $717,000 in 2016 and $1,533,000 in 2017 to reroute transmission line TL 227 and distribution line Sally’s Cove L1 are approved.
  2. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

  Date Issued:  
  June 10, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval pursuant to Section 70 of the Act, of the Rate Stabilization Plan Adjustment in the rates to be charged to Newfoundland Power Inc.
  1. The rates to be charged by Hydro to Newfoundland Power, as set out in Schedule “A” to this Order, to be effective for electrical consumption on or after July 1, 2016, are approved on an interim basis.
  2. Hydro shall pay the expenses of the Board incurred in connection with this matter.
  Date Issued:  
  June 13, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval to refurbish gas generator engines at the Hardwoods Gas Turbine Plant and the Stephenville Gas Turbine Plant pursuant to Section 41 of the Act
  1. The proposed capital expenditure in the amount of $3,047,100 for the refurbishment of gas generator End A engine, serial number 202205, at the Hardwoods Gas Turbine Plant and gas generator End A engine, serial number 202204, at the Stephenville Gas Turbine Plant, is approved.

  2. Hydro shall file a report by November 30, 2016 in relation to the refurbishment of the gas generator engines addressing the causes of the failures and impacts and considerations in relation to the reliability of Hardwoods and Stephenville.
  3. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

  Date Issued:  
  June 15, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to vary the amounts approved in Order No. P.U. 17(2016) related to 12 MW of diesel generation at the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station.
  1. The deferral and amortization of the additional lease costs of $300,000 associated with the 12 MW of diesel generation installed at Holyrood Thermal Generating Station over a period of five years with unamortized balances to be included in rate base is approved.
  2. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  June 22, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to approval of a deferral account for diesel fuel consumed in 2016 to provide capacity and energy to the Island Interconnected system pursuant to section 70 of the Act.
  1. The Application is denied.
  2. The Industrial Customer Group and Vale are entitled to an award of costs in an amount to be determined by the Board upon the filing of a detailed cost submission within 30 days of the date of this Order.
  3. Hydro shall pay the expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  June 22, 2016  
Newfoundland Power Inc
  Application filed by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of inter alia, rates to be charged its customers; and an application filed by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of: (i) customer rates, tolls and charges reflecting the determinations set out in Order No. P.U. 18(2016); and (ii) a revised rate stabilization adjustment and municipal tax adjustment to apply to the rates of Newfoundland Power Inc. for the period of July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017.
  1. The forecast average rate base for 2016 of $1,060,334,000 and the forecast average rate base for 2017 of $1,104,702,000 are approved.
  2. The rate of return on average rate base for 2016 of 7.21% in a range of 7.03% to 7.39% and the rate of return on average rate base for 2017 of 7.19% in a range of 7.01% to 7.37% are approved.
  3. The Rate Stabilization Adjustment of (1.110) cents/kWh and the Municipal Tax Adjustment Factor of 1.02526 for the period of July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017 are approved.
  4. The Schedule of Rates, Tolls and Charges of Newfoundland Power as set out in Schedule A, to be effective for all electrical consumption on and after July 1, 2016, is approved.
  5. The Rules and Regulations of Newfoundland Power as set out in Schedule B to be effective on and after July 1, 2016 are approved.
  6. Newfoundland Power shall pay the expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  June 29, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a change in rates to be charged to its Island Interconnected and Isolated Rural customers.
  1. The rates proposed by Hydro to be effective for all electrical consumption on or after July 1, 2016 for its Island Interconnected customers (rate Classes 1.1, 1.1S, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4 and 4.1), excluding Burgeo School & Library, and Isolated Rural customers (rate Classes 1.2D, 1.2DS, 2.1D, 2.2D and 4.1D), as set out in Schedule A to this Order, are approved on an interim basis.
  2. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  June 29, 2016  



The Board’s Investigation and Hearing into Supply Issues and Power Outages on the Island Interconnected System Matter
  An application by Grand Riverkeeper Labrador, Inc. for an interim award of costs
  1. The Application is denied
  Date Issued:  
  July 7, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro

Application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval to refurbish Unit 4 at Bay d’Espoir pursuant to section 41 of the Act.

  1. The proposed capital expenditure in the amount of $1,977,300 for the refurbishment and overhaul of Unit 4 at Bay d’Espoir is approved.
  2. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application
  Date Issued:  
  July 8, 2016  
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  Application filed by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a line extension to serve a seasonal residential development in the cottage area known as Ocean Pond, near Whitbourne
  1. The Contribution in Aid of Construction of one hundred thirty six thousand seven hundred twenty five dollars ($136,725.00), excluding HST, to apply to a seasonal residential development located in the cottage area known as Ocean Pond, near the Town of Whitbourne, is approved.
  2. A deviation from the Policy requirement respecting the calculation of the Contribution in Aid of Construction is approved.
  3. Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  July 13, 2016  
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  Application filed by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for three-phase service for Bell Aliant Regional Communications LP.
  1. The Contribution in Aid of Construction of five hundred seventy-four thousand one hundred seventy-nine dollars and twelve cents ($574,179.12), excluding HST, to provide three-phase service to Bell Aliant Regional Communications LP is approved.
  2. Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  July 14, 2016  
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  Application filed by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction approval of: (1) a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a line extension to serve Domestic Customers in the cottage area known as Stagg Pond, near Glovertown, pursuant to section 41 of the Act; and (2) a deviation from the Contribution in Aid of Construction applicable to Domestic Customers in relation to the calculation of the participation percentage as provided for in clause 6(A)(II) of the policy.
  1. The Non-Refundable Contribution in Aid of Construction of nine thousand six hundred forty-six dollars and four cents ($9,646.04), excluding HST, to apply to Domestic Customers located in the cottage area known as Stagg Pond, near Glovertown, is approved.
  2. A deviation from the Policy requirement respecting down payments to allow Newfoundland Power to commence construction of the Extension is approved.
  3. Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  July 14, 2016  
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  Application filed by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for three-phase service for 10718 Nfld. Inc.
  1. The Contribution in Aid of Construction of sixty-two thousand five hundred sixty-one dollars ($62,561.00), excluding HST, to provide three-phase service to 10718 Nfld. Inc. is approved.
  2. Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  July 14, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application for approval of a capital expenditure to procure 12 MW of diesel generation at the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station; and an application for costs by the Industrial Customer Group pursuant to Order No. P.U. 17(2016).
  1. The costs of the Industrial Customer Group are fixed at $5,665.94, exclusive of HST.
  2. Hydro shall, within thirty days, pay costs to the Industrial Customer Group in the amount of $5,665.94.
  Date Issued:  
  July 19, 2016  
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  Application for approval of a general rate application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of, inter alia, rates to be charged its customers; and a request for costs.
  1. The request for costs is denied.
  Date Issued:  
  July 21, 2016  
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  Application for approval for the refund to its customers of a surplus balance in Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s Rate Stabilization Plan.
  1. The Newfoundland Power Customer Refund Plan as set out in Schedule A to this Order is approved.
  2. Newfoundland Power shall file with the Board:
    1. a. copies of correspondence with Canadian Revenue Agency with respect to the applicability of the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) to the refunds;
      b. copies of correspondence with the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador with respect to the applicability of the residential energy rebate in determining the refunds;
      c. a report on the status of the refunds in its quarterly reporting to the Board throughout the refund process; and
      d. a final report once all refunds have been issued in accordance with the Newfoundland Power Customer Refund Plan.
  3. Newfoundland Power shall pay the expenses of the Board incurred in connection with this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  September 2, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application for a proposal by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for the refund to its customers of a surplus balance in Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s Rate Stabilization Plan.
  1. The Hydro Customer Refund Plan as set out in Schedule A to this Order is approved.
  2. Hydro shall file with the Board:
    1. copies of correspondence with Government as to formal confirmation of the applicability of recovery of the residential energy rebate in determining customer refunds;
    2. a report on the status of customer refunds in its quarterly reporting to the Board throughout the refund process; and
    3. a final report once all refunds have been issued in accordance with the Hydro Customer Refund Plan.
  3. Hydro shall pay the expenses of the Board incurred in connection with the Application.
  Date Issued:  
  September 7, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application for approval to acquire the Wabush Terminal Station pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The proposed capital expenditure in the amount of $490,000 for the purchase of :
    1. the Wabush Terminal Station including installed equipment;
    2. a segment of the two 230 kV transmission lines that run between the Churchill Falls Switchyard and the Wabush Terminal Station;
    3. lands adjacent to the Wabush Terminal Station; and
    4. a parcel of land near the Wabush Terminal Substation,
is approved.
  1. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  September 8, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application for approval to issue debentures pursuant to section 91 of the Act.
  1. Hydro’s proposal to issue debentures in an amount of up to $350,000,000 to refinance Series AE debentures totaling $225,000,000 and to retire outstanding short-term debt is approved subject to the following conditions:
    1. The debentures shall be issued on or before October 31, 2016.
    2. Hydro shall file with the Board a report specifying the terms and conditions of the bond issue within five
      1. (5) days after closing, setting out the following:
        1. date of issue;
        2. term;
        3. maturity date;
        4. principal amount;
        5. interest rate;
        6. particulars of sinking fund, if any;
        7. price to public and to the underwriters;
        8. yield to the public;
        9. underwriting fee;
        10. actual cost (i.e. yield) to Hydro; and
        11. any other material terms or conditions.
    3. Hydro shall file with the Board a copy of the Underwriting Agreement relating to the debentures within five (5) days after closing.
    4. Hydro shall file with the Board a copy of the Order in Council providing approval to issue the debentures within five (5) days of receipt of the Order in Council.
    5. Hydro shall file with the Board a report on the disposition of the proceeds no later than six months from the date of the closing.
  2. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  September 9, 2016  
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for an Order pursuant to Sections 41 and 78 of the Act:
     (a) approving a 2017 Capital Budget of $89,411,000;
     (b) approving certain capital expenditures related to multi-year projects commencing in 2017; and
     (c) fixing and determining a 2015 rate base of $1,019,082,000.
  1. Newfoundland Power’s proposed construction and purchase of improvements or additions to its property to be completed in 2017, as set out in Schedule A to this Order, are approved.
  2. Newfoundland Power’s proposed multi-year construction and purchase of improvements or additions to its property to begin in 2017, as set out in Schedule B to this Order, are approved.
  3. Newfoundland Power’s 2017 Capital Budget for improvements or additions to its property in an amount of $89,411,000, as set out in Schedule C to this Order, is approved.
  4. Newfoundland Power’s average rate base for the year ending December 31, 2015 is hereby fixed and determined at $1,019,082,000.
  5. Unless otherwise directed by the Board, Newfoundland Power shall file an annual report to the Board on its 2017 capital expenditures by March 1, 2018.
  6. Unless otherwise directed by the Board, Newfoundland Power shall provide, in conjunction with the 2018 Capital Budget Application, a status report on the 2017 capital budget expenditures showing for each project:
    1. the approved budget for 2017;
    2. the expenditures prior to 2017;
    3. the 2017 expenditures to the date of the application;
    4. the remaining projected expenditures for 2017;
    5. the variance between the projected total expenditures and the approved budget; and
    6. an explanation of the variance.
  7. Newfoundland Power shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board incurred in connection with the Application.
  Date Issued:  
  September 12, 2016  
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application for approval of the combustor inspection and overhaul of the combustion turbine located in Holyrood pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The proposed capital expenditure in the amount of $4,738,300 to perform a combustor inspection and overhaul on the combustion turbine located in Holyrood is approved.
  2. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  September 23, 2016
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application for approval to abandon the 15 MW gas turbine at Holyrood, pursuant to section 38 of the Act.
  1. Pursuant to Section 38 of the Act, the abandonment by Hydro of the 15 MW gas turbine in Holyrood is approved.
  2. Hydro shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board incurred in connection with this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  September 30, 2016
The Board’s Investigation and Hearing into Supply Issues and Power Outages on the Island Interconnected System
  A claim for an award of costs by Danny Dumaresque.
  1. Mr. Dumaresque is entitled to an award of costs in the amount of $5,000, exclusive of HST.
  2. Hydro shall within 30 days of this Order pay costs in the amount of $5,000, exclusive of HST, to Mr. Dumaresque with recovery of these costs to be addressed in a subsequent Order of the Board.
  Date Issued:  
  October 4, 2016
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro Prudence Review
  A claim for an award of costs by Danny Dumaresque.
  Prudence Review:  
  1. The request for award of costs is denied.
  Date Issued:  
  October 12, 2016
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  Application filed by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a line extension to serve seasonal residential building lots in the Dildo Pond Cottage area, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The Contribution in Aid of Construction of fifty four thousand four hundred thirty dollars ($54,430.00), excluding HST, to apply to a seasonal residential development located in the Dildo Pond cottage area, near the community of South Dildo, is approved.
  2. A deviation from the Policy requirement respecting the calculation of the Contribution in Aid of Construction is approved.
  3. Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  October 13, 2016
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an Order pursuant to Section 41 of the Act:
  1. its 2017 capital purchases and construction projects in excess of $50,000;
  2. its 2017 Capital Budget; and
  3. its estimated contributions in aid of construction for 2017.
  1. Hydro’s proposed construction and purchase of improvements or additions to its property in excess of $50,000 to be completed in 2017, as set out in Schedule A to this Order, are approved.
  2. Hydro’s proposed multi-year construction and purchase of improvements or additions to its property in excess of $50,000 to begin in 2017, as set out in Schedule B to this Order, are approved.
  3. Hydro’s proposed contributions in aid of construction for 2017 are approved.
  4. Hydro’s 2017 Capital Budget for improvements or additions to its property in an amount of $271,265,600, as set out in Schedule C to this Order, is approved.
  5. Unless otherwise directed by the Board Hydro shall file, with the 2018 Capital Budget Application, an updated overview in relation to the proposed capital expenditures for the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station.
  6. Unless otherwise directed by the Board Hydro shall file an annual report to the Board on its 2017 capital expenditures by March 1, 2018.
  7. Unless otherwise directed by the Board, Hydro shall provide, in conjunction with the 2018 Capital Budget Application, a status report on the 2017 capital budget expenditures showing for each project:
    1. the approved budget for 2017;
    2. the expenditures prior to 2017;
    3. the 2017 expenditures to the date of the application;
    4. the remaining projected expenditures for 2017;
    5. the variance between the projected total expenditures and the approved budget; and
    6. an explanation of the variance.
  8. Hydro shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board incurred in connection with the Application.
  Date Issued:  
  November 8, 2016
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro Prudence Review
  Application for approval of costs by the Industrial Customer Group pursuant to Order No. P.U. 24(2016).
  1. The costs of the Industrial Customer Group are fixed at $18,887.75, exclusive of HST.
  2. Hydro shall, within thirty days, pay costs to the Industrial Customer Group in the amount of $18,887.75.
  Date Issued:  
  November 10, 2016
Newfoundland Power Inc.
  Application filed by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for single-phase service to the Town of Glovertown, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The Contribution in Aid of Construction of fifty four thousand four hundred eighty five dollars ($54,485.00), excluding HST, to provide single-phase supply to a water intake facility in the Town of Glovertown is approved.
  2. Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  November 24, 2016
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application for approval of a capital expenditure to supplement the 2016 Allowance for Unforeseen Items for the construction and purchase of certain improvements and additions to its property pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The addition of a supplementary amount of $1,000,000 to the 2016 Allowance for Unforeseen Items is approved.
  2. Hydro will establish a separate account to record the variance above the $1,000,000 Allowance for Unforeseen items approved in Order No. P.U. 8(2016) associated with the expenditures related to:
    1. the Bay d’Espoir Access Roads Refurbishment; and
    1. Bay d’Espoir Penstock 1 Refurbishment
      with the recovery of this variance to be addressed in a subsequent order of the Board following a further application by Hydro.
  3. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  November 24, 2016
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application for a general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on July 30, 2013; and an amended general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on November 10, 2014.

1. Hydro’s prudence compliance filing arising from Order No. P.U. 13(2016) is accepted and shall be incorporated in the revised proposals to be filed as a result of this Decision and Order.

2. The Settlement Agreement and the Supplemental Settlement Agreement are accepted and shall be incorporated in the revised proposals to be filed as a result of this Decision and Order.

3. The return on equity to be used in calculating the allowed rate of return on rate base for 2014 and 2015 for the purpose of calculating the 2014 and 2015 revenue deficiencies shall be 8.8%.
4. The return on equity to be used in calculating the allowed rate of return on rate base for rate setting purposes, beginning in 2016, shall be 8.5%.
5. Hydro shall, with its next general rate application and no later than June 30, 2017, file a proposal in relation to an adjustment mechanism for its target return on equity, in accordance with the findings of the Board in this Decision and Order.

6. Hydro shall file, for approval of the Board, a revised revenue requirement for the 2015 test year for rate setting purposes, incorporating the findings of the Board in this Decision and Order.

7. Hydro shall file, for approval of the Board, a revised 2013 rate base, incorporating the findings of the Board in this Decision and Order.
8. Hydro shall file, for approval of the Board, a revised forecast average rate base for 2014, incorporating the findings of the Board in this Decision and Order.
9. Hydro shall file, for approval of the Board, a revised forecast average rate base and rate of return on rate base for the 2015 test year for rate setting purposes, incorporating the findings of the Board in this Decision and Order.
10. Hydro shall file a revised excess earnings account definition to reflect a range of rate of return on rate base of + 20 basis points.
11. Hydro shall file a revised calculation of the 2014 and 2015 deficiencies setting out revised calculations of the revenue requirement, rate base and rate of return on rate base for each year, and incorporating the findings of the Board in this Decision and Order.
12. Hydro shall file a proposal for the recovery of the 2014 and 2015 revenue deficiencies, and the 2014 additional supply costs deferral, by customer class, incorporating the findings of the Board in this Decision and Order.

13. Hydro shall file updated test year cost of service studies, incorporating the findings of the Board in this Decision and Order, for 2014 and 2015.

14. Hydro shall file revised definitions for the Isolated Systems Supply Cost Variance Deferral Account, the Energy Supply Cost Variance Deferral Account and the Holyrood Conversion Rate Deferral Account, in accordance with the findings of the Board in this Decision and Order.
15. Hydro’s proposal to defer and recover annual customer energy conservation program costs beginning in 2016 is approved, in accordance with the findings of the Board in this Decision and Order.
16. Hydro’s proposal to amortize, over a five-year period beginning in 2015, the costs associated with: a. the Holyrood Black Start diesels, in the amount of $5.2 million; and b. extraordinary transformer and breaker repairs not associated with imprudence is approved.
17. Hydro will be allowed to amortize, over a three-year period beginning in 2015, general rate application costs for 2015 in the amount of $750,000.

18. Hydro shall file, for the approval of the Board, a revised Schedule of Rates, Rules and Regulations, and revised RSP Rules, incorporating the findings of the Board in this Decision and Order.
19. Hydro shall file a proposal for the finalization of Industrial customer rates, incorporating the findings of the Board in this Decision and Order.

20. Hydro shall file on or before March 31, 2017 a proposal in relation to annual reporting of intercompany activity, starting in 2017, in accordance with the findings of the Board in this Decision and Order.
21. Hydro shall file a report by January 13, 2017 in relation to its Account Management Framework, in accordance with the findings of the Board in this Decision and Order.
22. Hydro shall file with its next general rate application a report in relation to its Customer Service Strategic Roadmap, in accordance with the findings of the Board in this Decision and Order.
23. Hydro shall file a report with its next general rate application in relation to the identification of the rural subsidy on customers’ bills, in accordance with the findings of the Board in this Decision and Order.
24. Hydro shall file its next general rate application no later than March 31, 2017 for rates based on a 2018 test year.

25. Hydro shall pay the expenses of the Board associated with this matter, including the expenses of the Consumer Advocate incurred by the Board pursuant to section 117 of the Act.
26. Leave is granted to the intervenors to apply for an award of costs within 30 days of the Order of the Board establishing final rates in this matter.

  Date Issued:  
  December 1, 2016
Newfoundland Power Inc
  Application filed by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for three-phase service to the Western Regional Service Board, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.
  1. The Contribution in Aid of Construction of seventy nine thousand two hundred eighteen dollars ($79,218.00), excluding HST, to provide three-phase service to the Western Regional Service Board’s waste management facility near the Town of St. George’s is approved.
  2. Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  December 14, 2016
Newfoundland Power Inc

Application by
Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of:
(i)            revised distribution line costs per metre for Contributions in Aid of Construction (CIACs);
(ii)           revised distribution plant upgrade cost for CIACs; and
(iii)          CIAC cost factors.

  1. The revised cost factors in Schedules A, B, C and D attached to this Order are approved to be used in the calculation of all CIACs with effect from January 1, 2017, and, where advantageous to the customer, on all CIACs quoted but unpaid as of January 1, 2017.
  2. Newfoundland Power shall submit a revised CIAC Policy incorporating the revisions approved herein.
  3. Newfoundland Power shall pay the expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  December 15, 2016
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro

Application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of Rules and Regulations to reflect changes to Newfoundland Power’s Contribution in Aid of Construction policy pursuant to section 71.

  1. The Rules and Regulations as set out in Appendix A are approved effective July 1, 2016.
  2. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  December 16, 2016
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval for approval to issue debentures pursuant to section 91 of the Act.
  1. Hydro’s proposal to issue debentures in an amount of up to $550,000,000 to refinance a short term promissory note totaling $225,000,000, to retire outstanding short-term debt and to issue the rate stabilization plan refund is approved subject to the following conditions:
    1. The debentures shall be issued on or before February 28, 2017.
    2. Hydro shall file with the Board a report specifying the terms and conditions of the bond issue within five (5) days after closing, setting out the following:
      1. date of issue;
      2. term;
      3. maturity date;
      4. principal amount;
      5. interest rate;
      6. particulars of sinking fund, if any;
      7. price to public and to the underwriters;
      8. yield to the public;
      9. underwriting fee;
      10. actual cost (i.e. yield) to Hydro; and
      11. any other material terms or conditions.
      12. Hydro shall file with the Board a copy of the Underwriting Agreement relating to the debentures within five (5) days after closing.
      13. Hydro shall file with the Board a copy of the Order in Council providing approval to issue the debentures within five (5) days of receipt of the Order in Council.
      14. Hydro shall file with the Board a report on the disposition of the proceeds no later than six months from the date of the closing.
  2. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  December 20, 2016
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of revisions to the Rate Stabilization Plan rules.
  1. The proposed revisions to the Rate Stabilization Plan rules are accepted to be effective with the implementation of new rates arising from Hydro’s general rate application.
  2. Hydro shall include the proposed revisions in the revised Rate Stabilization Plan rules to be filed in accordance with Order No. P.U. 49(2016).
  3. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  December 21, 2016
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  Application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a Capacity Assistance Agreement with Praxair Canada Inc. pursuant to sections 70, 71 and 80 of the Act.
  1. The proposed Capacity Assistance Agreement with Praxair Canada Inc., effective December 1, 2016, is approved.
  2. Hydro shall file with the Board, no later than April 15 of the year following each winter period December 1 - March 31 while the agreement is in place, a report setting out the dates, times, duration and system conditions, including generation available and calculation of system reserve, under which capacity assistance was requested, the capacity assistance requested and provided, and the capacity and variable payments made.
  3. Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  December 21, 2016
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
  An amended general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on November 10, 2014 and Board Order No. P.U. 49(2016); and an application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a cost deferral account for 2016.
  1. Hydro’s proposed 2016 cost deferral account, as set out in Schedule A, in the amount of $38.8 million is approved.
  2. Hydro shall pay the expenses of the Board arising from this Application.
  Date Issued:  
  December 22, 2016

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                     P.U. 1 (2015)


Application for approval of a general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on July 30, 2013; and an amended general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on November 10, 2014; and an application filed by Innu Nation for interim costs in the Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro general rate proceeding.


1.          Innu Nation is entitled to an award of costs for costs incurred up to June 30, 2014.

2.          Hydro shall within thirty days pay costs in the amount of $132,525.64 to Innu Nation.

Date Issued:

January 9, 2015




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                     P.U. 2 (2015)


Application for approval of a general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on July 30, 2013; and an amended general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on November 10, 2014; and an intervenor submission filed by the Nunatsiavut Government on January 9, 2015.


1.          The Nunatsiavut Government is hereby granted intervenor status in this proceeding.

Date Issued:

January 16, 2015




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                     P.U. 3 (2015)


Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of revisions, on an interim basis, to the utility rate charged to Newfoundland Power Inc. pursuant to sections 70 and 71 of the Act for an award of costs to the Industrial Customer Group pursuant to Order No. P.U. 47(2014).


1.          The costs of the Industrial Customer Group are fixed at $9,708.80, exclusive of HST.

2.          Hydro shall, within thirty days, pay costs to the Industrial Customer Group in the amount of $9,708.80.

Date Issued:

February 5, 2015




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                     P.U. 4 (2015)


  An application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an order approving: a) its capital purchases and construction projects in excess of $50,000 beginning in 2015; b) its 2015 Capital Budget; and c) its estimated contributions in aid of construction for 2015 in the amount of $300,000; and for an award of costs by the Industrial Customer Group pursuant to Order No. P.U. 50(2014).


1.          The costs of the Industrial Customer Group are fixed at $10,970.80, exclusive of HST.

2.          Hydro shall, within thirty days, pay costs to the Industrial Customer Group in the amount of $10,970.80.

Date Issued:

February 6, 2015




The Board’s Investigation and Hearing into Supply Issues
and Power Outages on the Island Interconnected System                                    
P.U. 5 (2015)


                    Motion by Grand Riverkeeper Labrador, Inc. for an Order directing Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to provide full and complete responses to certain Requests for Information.


1.          The motion of Grand Riverkeeper Labrador, Inc. for an Order requiring Hydro to provide full and complete responses to GRK-NLH-21, 24 and 63 is hereby denied.

2.          The motion of Grand Riverkeeper Labrador, Inc. for an Order requiring Hydro to provide full and complete responses to GRK-NLH-45, 46, 57, 60, 66, 69, and 74 is hereby approved.

Date Issued:

February 17, 2015




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                     P.U. 6 (2015)


  Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of revisions, on an interim basis, to the utility rate charged to Newfoundland Power Inc. pursuant to sections 70 and 71 of the Act for an award of costs to Vale Newfoundland & Labrador Limited pursuant to Order No. P.U.47(2014).


1.          The costs of Vale are fixed at $7,480.67, exclusive of HST.

2.          Hydro shall, within thirty days, pay costs to Vale in the amount of $7,480.67.

Date Issued:

March 3, 2015




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                     P.U. 7 (2015)


      Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval, among other things, to establish a deferral account and transfer $45.9 million to this account, with recovery in 2014 from the Rate Stabilization Plan for an award of costs to Vale Newfoundland & Labrador Limited pursuant to Order No. P.U. 58(2014).


1.          The costs of Vale are fixed at $5,905.50, exclusive of HST.

2.          Hydro shall, within thirty days, pay costs to Vale in the amount of $5,905.50.

Date Issued:

March 4, 2015




Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                      P.U. 8 (2015)


     Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for an Order of the Board providing for disposition of the balance in the Demand Management Incentive Account pursuant to Sections 58 and 80 of the Act.


1.          The disposition of the 2014 balance in the Demand Management Incentive Account and related income tax effects by means of a credit in the amount of $627,503 to the Rate Stabilization Account as of March 31, 2015 is approved.

2.          Newfoundland Power shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

March 6, 2015




Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                      P.U. 9 (2015)


Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of:

(i)                 revised distribution line costs per metre for Contributions in Aid of Construction (CIACs);

(ii)         revised distribution plant upgrade cost for CIACs; and

(ii)               CIAC cost factors.


1.          The revised cost factors in Schedules A, B, C and D attached to this Order are approved to be used in the calculation of all CIACs with effect from March 25, 2015, and, where advantageous to customers of Newfoundland Power, on all CIACs quoted but unpaid as of March 25, 2015.

2.          Newfoundland Power shall submit a revised CIAC Policy in its entirety incorporating the revisions approved herein.

3.     Newfoundland Power shall pay the expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

March 18, 2015




Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 10 (2015)


An application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for an Order of the Board providing for disposition of the balance in the Optional Seasonal Rate Revenue and Cost Recovery Account pursuant to Sections 58 and 80 of the Act.


1.          The disposition of the balance in the Optional Seasonal Rate Revenue and Cost Recovery Account as of December 31, 2014 by charging the balance of $96,270 to the Rate Stabilization Account as of March 31, 2015 is approved.

2.          Newfoundland Power shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board in connection with this Application.

Date Issued:

April 2, 2015




Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 11 (2015)


An application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for an Order of the Board approving the balance in the Weather Normalization Reserve as of December 31, 2014 pursuant to sections 69(3) and 78 of the Act.


1.          Newfoundland Power’s Weather Normalization Reserve of a positive balance of $1,640,357 as of December 31, 2014 is approved.

2.          Newfoundland Power shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board in connection with this Application.

Date Issued:

April 2, 2015




Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 12 (2015)


An application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval to issue Series AO First Mortgage Bonds pursuant to section 91 of the Act.


1.          Newfoundland Power’s proposal to issue Series AO First Mortgage Bonds in an amount of up to $100,000,000 is approved subject to the following conditions:


(A)  The bonds shall be issued on or before December 31, 2015.


(B)   Newfoundland Power shall file with the Board a report specifying the terms and conditions of the bond issue within five (5) days after closing, setting out the following:


(i)        date of issue;

(ii)      term;

(iii)    maturity date;

(iv)     principal amount;

(v)       coupon rate;

(vi)     particulars of sinking fund, if any;

(vii)   price to public and to the underwriters;

(viii) yield to the public;

(ix)     underwriting fee;

(x)       actual cost (i.e. yield) to Newfoundland Power; and

(xi)     any other material terms or conditions not contemplated at the date of the Application but forming part of the negotiated terms and conditions.


(C)   Newfoundland Power shall file with the Board a copy of the Underwriting Agreement relating to the bond issue within five (5) days after closing.


(D)  Newfoundland Power shall file with the Board a report on the disposition of the proceeds no later than six months from the date of the bond issue.


2.          Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

April 16, 2015




Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 13 (2015)


An application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for an order directing Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to provide full and adequate responses to three requests for information, including the disclosure and production of documents, report and records in the matter of an investigation and hearing into supply issues and power outages on the Island Interconnected system.


1.          The application of Newfoundland Power Inc. for a further response to NP-NLH-004 is hereby denied.

2.          Hydro shall provide responses to NP-NLH-005 and NP-NLH-018 in accordance with the findings of the Board in this decision and Order.

Date Issued:

May 8, 2015





Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 14 (2015)


Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of customer electricity rates for 2015 on an interim basis.


1.          The Interim Rate Application is denied.

2.          Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro shall file a revised Schedule of Rates, Tolls and Charges and RSP Rules, effective July 1, 2015, with evidence showing the impacts on consumers and Hydro, incorporating the findings of the Board in this Order, including:

i)           an interim base rate increase of 8.0% for Newfoundland Power Inc.;

ii)         an interim base rate increase for Government Diesel customers of 50% of the proposed increases; and

iii)       in relation to Island Industrial customers:

a)             an interim base rate increase of 10.0%;

b)            an interim RSP rate adjustment which will result in an effective 2.7% rate increase for all Island Industrial customers;

c)             a transfer from the IC RSP Surplus to fund the difference between the approved 10.0% base rate increase and the effective 2.7% increase; and

d)            a transfer from the IC RSP Surplus to fund the full amount of the 2014 year-end IC RSP current balance.

3.          The Industrial Customer Group and Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited are entitled to an award of costs in an amount to be fixed by the Board upon the filing of a detailed cost submission within 30 days of this Order.

4.          Leave is granted to the remaining Intervenors to apply for an award of costs setting out a detailed claim within 30 days of this Order.

5.          Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro shall pay all the expenses of the Board arising from the Interim Rate Application.

Date Issued:

May 8, 2015




Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 15 (2015)


An application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for deferred cost recovery for 2016, Board Order No. P.U. 13(2013) and Newfoundland Power Inc’s next general rate application.


1.          Newfoundland Power shall, unless otherwise directed by the Board, file its next general rate application with a 2016 test year on or before October 16, 2015.

2.          Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Order.

Date Issued:

May 26, 2015




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 16 (2015)


Application for approval of a general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on July 30, 2013; and an amended general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on November 10, 2014; and an application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for the approval of, among other things, customer electricity rates for 2015 on an interim basis; and an application for costs by Vale Newfoundland & Labrador Limited pursuant to Order No. P.U. 14(2015).


1.          The costs of Vale are fixed at $14,396.50, exclusive of HST.

2.          Hydro shall, within thirty days, pay costs to Vale in the amount of $14,396.50.

Date Issued:

June 17, 2015





Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 17 (2015)


Application for approval of a general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on July 30, 2013; and an amended general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on November 10, 2014; and an application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of (i) customer rates, tolls and charges reflecting the determinations set out in Order No. P.U. 14(2015) and (ii) a revised Rate Stabilization Plan adjustment to apply to the Utility Rate for the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016.


1.          The rates to be charged by Hydro to Newfoundland Power as set out in Schedule “A” to this Order, to be effective for electrical consumption on or after July 1, 2015, are approved on an interim basis.

2.          The rates to be charged by Hydro to Government Diesel customers, as set out in Schedule “B” to this Order, to be effective for electrical consumption on or after July 1, 2015, are approved on an interim basis.

3.                Hydro shall file a revised Schedule of Rates, Tolls and Charges and RSP Rules, effective July 1, 2015, to reflect for Island Industrial customers:

i)     an interim base rate increase of 10.0%;

ii)    interim RSP rate adjustments which will result in an effective 2.7% base rate increase for each Island Industrial customer, including Teck Resources Limited;

iii)   a transfer from the IC RSP Surplus to fund the difference between the approved 10.0% base rate increase and the effective 2.7% base rate increase; and

iv)    a transfer from the IC RSP Surplus to fund the full amount of the 2014 year-end IC RSP current balance.

4.          The Industrial Customer Group is entitled to an award of costs in an amount to be fixed by the Board upon the filing of a detailed cost submission within 30 days of this Order.

5.          Leave is granted to the other intervenors to apply within 30 days of this Order including a detailed cost submission for an award of costs.

6.          Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro shall pay all the expenses of the Board arising from the Application.

Date Issued:

June 23, 2015




Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 18 (2015)


Application pursuant to Sections 70 and 75 of the Act for: i) approval of revised rate stabilization and municipal tax adjustments for the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016; (ii) approval of a revised Schedule of Rates, Tolls and Charges to reflect the revised rate stabilization and municipal tax adjustments and to permit recovery of additional purchase power costs associated with an interim increase in the base rate charged by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to Newfoundland Power Inc. approved in Order No. P.U. 17(2015); and (iii) approval of a revised Rate Stabilization Clause to provide for a true-up for any over or under recovery of purchase power costs associated with the base rate increase.


1.          The Rate Stabilization Adjustment of (0.105) cents per kWh for the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 is approved.

2.          The Municipal Tax Adjustment Factor of 1.02487 for the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 is approved.

3.          The Schedule of Rates, Tolls and Charges, as set out in Schedule A to this Order, to be effective on all electrical consumption on and after July 1, 2015, is approved.

4.          The Rate Stabilization Clause, as set out in Schedule B to this Order, to be effective July 1, 2015, is approved.

5.          Newfoundland Power shall pay the expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

June 25, 2015




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 19 (2015)


Application for approval of a change in rates to be charged to its Island Interconnected and Isolated Rural customers.


1.          The rates proposed by Hydro to be effective for all electrical consumption on or after July 1, 2015 for its Island Interconnected customers (rate Classes 1.1, 1.1S, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4 and 4.1), excluding Burgeo School & Library, and Isolated Rural customers (rate Classes 1.2D, 1.2DS, 2.1D, 2.2D and 4.1D), as set out in Schedule A to this Order, are approved on an interim basis.

2.          Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

June 25, 2015




Teck Resources Limited                                                                                       P.U. 20 (2015)


Application for approval of an amendment to the rules and regulations relating to service provided by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro.


3.          The Application to amend the Service Agreement between Teck Resources Limited and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro is denied.

Date Issued:

June 30, 2015





Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 21 (2015) - Amended Schedule


Application for approval of a general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on July 30, 2013; and an amended general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on November 10, 2014; and an application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of industrial customer rates, tolls and charges and RSP rules reflecting the determinations set out in Order No. P.U. 17(2015).


1.          The Schedule of Rates, Tolls and Charges to be effective on all electrical consumption for Island Industrial customers on and after July 1, 2015, as set out in Schedule A to this Order, are approved on an interim basis.

2.          The Rate Stabilization Plan Rules, as set out in Schedule B to this Order, are approved on an interim basis.

3.          Hydro shall file, for approval, revisions to the Rate Stabilization Plan Rules to clearly provide for the transfer from the Industrial Customer RSP Surplus to fund the difference between the approved 10.0 % base rate increase and the effective 2.7% base rate increase for Island Industrial customers.

4.          Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

July 8, 2015





Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 22 (2015)


Application for approval of a general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on July 30, 2013; and an amended general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on November 10, 2014;and

an application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for the approval of, among other things, customer electricity rates for 2015 on an interim basis; and an application for costs by the Industrial Customer Group pursuant to Order No. P.U. 14(2015).


1.          The costs of the Industrial Customer Group are fixed at $13,520.70, exclusive of HST.

2.          Hydro shall, within thirty days, pay costs to the Industrial Customer Group in the amount of $13,520.70.

Date Issued:

July 9, 2015





Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 23 (2015)


Application for approval to delay the filing of its next general rate application and for deferred cost recovery of $3,991,000 for 2016.


1.          The Application is denied.

2.          Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

July 15, 2015





Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 24 (2015)


Application for approval of capital expenditures to proceed with the purchase of critical spares, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.


1.          The capital expenditure in the amount of $1,536,300 to purchase critical spares for the Hydro’s Generating Stations is approved.

2.          Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

July 29, 2015





Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 25 (2015)


Application for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for three-phase service for the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor, pursuant to section 41of the Act.


1.          The Contribution in Aid of Construction of sixty two thousand nine hundred and twenty-three dollars ($62,923.00), excluding HST, to construct a three-phase line extension for the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor is approved.

2.          Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

July 29, 2015





Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 26 (2015)


Application for approval of a contribution in aid of construction for a three-phase line extension to serve RJS Management Services Ltd. in the community of St. Lewis, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.


1.          The Contribution in Aid of Construction of forty-eight thousand, eight hundred and seventeen dollars and sixty-five cents ($48,817.65), excluding HST, for the supply of three-phase electrical service to RJS Management Services Ltd. in the community of St. Lewis is approved.

2.          Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

July 29, 2015

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 27 (2015)


Application for approval to replace the Rectifier Transformers on Units 1 and 2 at the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station pursuant to Section 41 of the Act.


1.          proposed capital expenditure of $756,200 to replace the rectifier transformers on Units 1 and 2 at the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station is approved.

2.          Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

September 8, 2015

Newfoundland Power                                                                                          P.U. 28 (2015)


Application for an Order pursuant to Sections 41 and 78 of the Act: (a) approving its 2016 Capital Budget of $107,028,000; (b) approving purchase and construction of improvements or additions to its property in 2016 and 2017; and (c) fixing and determining its average rate base for 2014 in the amount of $964,930,000.


1.          Newfoundland Power’s proposed construction and purchase of improvements or additions to its property to be completed in 2016, as set out in Schedule A to this Order, are approved.

2.          Newfoundland Power’s 2016 Capital Budget for improvements or additions to its property in an amount of $107,028,000, as set out in Schedule C to this Order, is approved.

3.          Newfoundland Power’s proposed multi-year construction and purchase of improvements or additions to its property to begin in 2016, as set out in Schedule B to this Order, are approved.

4.          Newfoundland Power’s average rate base for the year ending December 31, 2014 is hereby fixed and determined at $964,930,000.

5.          Unless otherwise directed by the Board, Newfoundland Power shall file an annual report to the Board on its 2016 capital expenditures by March 1, 2017.

6.          Unless otherwise directed by the Board, Newfoundland Power shall provide, in conjunction with the 2017 Capital Budget Application, a status report on the 2016 capital budget expenditures showing for each project:
(i) the approved budget for 2016;
(ii) the expenditures prior to 2016;
(iii) the 2016 expenditures to the date of the application;
(iv) the remaining projected expenditures for 2016;
(v) the variance between the projected total expenditures and the approved budget;
(vi) an explanation of the variance.

7.          Newfoundland Power shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board incurred in connection with the Application.

Date Issued:

September 8, 2015

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 29 (2015)


Application for approval to refurbish the Hardwoods gas turbine engine serial number 202224 pursuant to Section 41 of the Act.


1.          The proposed capital expenditure of $1,249,300 to refurbish the Hardwoods gas turbine engine serial number 202224 is approved.

2.          Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

October 1, 2015

Newfoundland Power                                                                                            P.U. 30 (2015)


an application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a line extension to serve Domestic Customers in the cottage area known as Butts Pond West, near Gambo, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.


1.          The Refundable Contribution in Aid of Construction of seven thousand five hundred fifty four dollars and sixty six cents ($7,554.66), excluding HST, to apply to Domestic Customers located in Butts Pond West Cottage Area is approved.

2.          Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

October 27, 2015

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 31 (2015)


an application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval to complete an internal assessment and repairs of transformer VBN T1 at the Voisey's Bay Nickel Terminal Station, pursuant to Section 41 of the Act.


1.          The proposed capital expenditure of $500,100 for the internal assessment and repair of transformer VBN TI at the Voisey's Bay Nickel Terminal Station is approved.

2.          Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

November 17, 2015

Newfoundland Power                                                                                          P.U. 32 (2015)


Application for a general rate application to establish customer electricity rates effective July 1, 2016.


1.          The Intervenors in the Application are as set out in Schedule “A” to this Order.

2.          The Schedule of Dates for the Application is approved as set out in Schedule “B” to this Order.

3.          The Rules of Procedure for the Application are approved as set out in Schedule “C” to this Order.

Date Issued:

November 30, 2015

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 33 (2015)


Application for an Order pursuant to Section 41 of the Act approving:
   (a) its 2016 capital purchases and construction projects in excess of $50,000;
   (b) its 2016 Capital Budget; and
   (c) its estimated contributions in aid of construction for 2016


1.          Hydro’s proposed construction and purchase of improvements or additions to its property in excess of $50,000 to be completed in 2016, as set out in Schedule A to this Order, are approved.

2.          Hydro’s proposed multi-year construction and purchase of improvements or additions to its property in excess of $50,000 to begin in 2016, as set out in Schedule B to this Order, are approved

3.          Hydro’s proposed contributions in aid of construction for 2016 are approved.

4.          Hydro’s proposed 2016 Capital Budget for improvements or additions to its property in an amount of $183,082,800, as set out in Schedule C to this Order, is approved.

5.          Unless otherwise directed by the Board Hydro shall file, with the 2017 Capital Budget Application, an updated overview in relation to the proposed capital expenditures for the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station

6.          Unless otherwise directed by the Board Hydro shall file, in conjunction with the 2017 Capital Budget Application, a status report on the 2016 capital expenditures.

7.          Unless otherwise directed by the Board Hydro shall file an annual report with the Board in relation to its 2016 capital expenditures by March 1, 2017.

8.          Unless otherwise directed by the Board Hydro shall file, with the 2017 Capital Budget Application, a report on the construction of the TL 267 Project, addressing the work progress, the expenditure and budget status, and an explanation for any deviation from the project scope and budget.

9.          Hydro shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board incurred in connection with the Application.

Date Issued:

December 2, 2015

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 34 (2015)


Application for approval of a capital expenditure to supplement the Allowance for Unforeseen Items for the construction and purchase of certain improvements and additions to its property pursuant to section 41 of the Act.


1.          The addition of a supplementary amount of $250,000 to the 2015 Allowance for Unforeseen Items is approved.

2.          Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

December 2, 2015

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 35 (2015)


Application for approval of a general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on July 30, 2013; and an amended general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on November 10, 2014; and an application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of interim Island Industrial customer rates, tolls and charges and Rate Stabilization Plan rules, effective January 1, 2016.


1.          The Schedule of Rates, Tolls and Charges to be effective on all electrical consumption for Island Industrial customers on and after January 1, 2016, as set out in Schedule A to this Order, is approved on an interim basis.

2.          The Rate Stabilization Plan Rules, as set out in Schedule B to this Order, are approved on an interim basis.

3.          Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited is entitled to an award of costs in an amount to be fixed by the Board upon the filing of a detailed cost submission within 30 days of this Order.

4.          Leave is granted to the other intervenors to apply for an award of costs setting out a detailed cost submission within 30 days of this Order.

5.          Hydro shall pay all the expenses of the Board arising from the Application.

Date Issued:

December 8, 2015

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 36 (2015)


Application for approval amended general rate application filed by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro on November 10, 2014, and an amended application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval, among other things, to establish a deferral account to reduce Hydro’s forecast net income deficiency for 2015.


1.          The Board accepts the Settlement Agreement proposals in relation to the 2015 accounting treatment for: i) actuarial gains and losses in Employee Future Benefits; ii) depreciation and accretion expenses associated with Asset Retirement Obligations; and, iii) annual customer energy conservation program costs.

2.          The creation of a deferral account in relation to Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s proposed 2015 revenue requirement, as set out in Schedule A, is approved.

3.          3. That segregation of $30.2 million, as of December 31, 2015, in the deferral account is approved with a final determination on recovery of this amount to be determined by the Board in a future order.

4.          Vale is entitled to an award of costs in an amount to be determined by the Board upon the filing of a detailed cost submission within 30 days of the date of this Order.

5.          Leave is granted to the other intervenors to apply for an award of costs, setting out a detailed cost submission, within 30 days of this Order.

6.          Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro shall pay the expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

December 22, 2015

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                     P.U. 1 (2014)


Application for approval of the Rate Stabilization Plan rules and components of the rates to be charged to Island Industrial customers pursuant to section 71 of the Act for an award of costs to Vale Newfoundland Limited pursuant to Order No. P.U. 29(2013).


1.          The costs of Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited are fixed at $60,451.63.

2.          Hydro shall, within thirty days, pay costs to Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited in the amount of $60,451.63.

Date Issued:

January 21, 2014





Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                     P.U. 2 (2014)


Application for approval of an amendment to the terms and conditions under which Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro supplies electricity to North Atlantic Refining Limited pursuant to Section 71 of the Act.


1.         Revisions to Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s service agreement with North Atlantic Refining Limited to add a provision to limit Hydro’s liability, as set out in the attached Schedule A, are approved.

2.       Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application

Date Issued:

February 3, 2014





An Investigation and Hearing into supply issues and
power outages on the Island Interconnected system                                            
P.U. 3 (2014)


1.         The issues to be addressed in the proceeding are established as set out in Schedule “A” to this Order, which may be amended by letter of the Board.

2.         The process is established as set out in Schedule “B” to this Order, which may be amended by letter of the Board.

3.         The intervenors in this proceeding are as set out in Schedule “C” to this Order.

4.         The Rules of Procedure for the proceeding are as set out in Schedule “D” to this Order.

Date Issued:

February 19, 2014





Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                     P.U. 4 (2014)


Application for approval to treat costs associated with repairs to the fuel oil system at the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station as an extraordinary expense pursuant to sections 69, 78 and 80 of the Act.


1.         Hydro’s proposal to treat the 2013 costs of repairs to the fuel oil system at the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station as a major extraordinary repair such that the costs are amortized over a five-year period with the unamortized balance to be included in rate base is not approved.

2.         Hydro shall expense the 2013 costs of the repairs to the fuel oil system at the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station in 2013.

3.         Hydro shall file a report with the Board no later than May 30, 2014 setting out the actions taken and future plans in relation to the quality of fuel supplied to the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station.

4.         Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

February 26, 2014





Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                     P.U. 5 (2014)


  An application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an order: a) approving its 2014 capital budget; b) approving its 2014 capital purchases and construction projects in excess of $50,000; c) approving the estimated contributions in aid of construction for 2014; and d) fixing and determining its average rate base for 2012 for an award of costs to Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited pursuant to Order No. P.U. 42(2013).


1.         The costs of Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited are fixed at $27,402.93.

2.         Hydro shall, within thirty days, pay costs to Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited in the amount of $27,402.93.

Date Issued:

March 13, 2014




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                     P.U. 6 (2014)


An application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an order: a) approving its 2014 capital budget; b) approving its 2014 capital purchases and construction projects in excess of $50,000; c) approving the estimated contributions in aid of construction for 2014; and d) fixing and determining its average rate base for 2012 for an award of costs to Island Industrial Customer Group to Order No. P.U. 42(2013).


1.       The costs of the Island Industrial Customer Group are fixed at $16,938.51.

2.       Hydro shall, within thirty days, pay costs to the Island Industrial Customer Group in the amount of $16,938.51.

Date Issued:

March 13, 2014



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                      P.U. 7 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for an Order of the Board providing for disposition of the balance in the Demand Management Incentive Account pursuant to Sections 58 and 80 of the Act.


1.       The Board approves, pursuant to Sections 58 and 80 of the Act, the recovery of the 2013 balance in the Demand Management Incentive Account and related income tax effects by means of a debit in the amount of $383,085 to the Rate Stabilization Account as of March 31, 2014.

2.       Newfoundland Power shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

March 20, 2014



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                      P.U. 8 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of:

(i)                 revised distribution line costs per metre for Contributions in Aid of Construction (CIACs);

(ii)               revised distribution plant upgrade cost for CIACs; and

(iii)             CIAC cost factors.


1.                   The revised cost factors contained in Schedules A, B, C and D attached to this Order are approved to be used in the calculation of all CIACs with effect from April 2, 2014, and, where advantageous to customers of Newfoundland Power, on all CIACs quoted but unpaid as of April 2, 2014.

2.                   Newfoundland Power shall submit a revised CIAC Policy in its entirety incorporating the revisions approved herein.

3.                   Newfoundland Power shall pay the expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

March 26, 2014



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                     P.U. 9 (2014)


An application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of amendments to the Rate Stabilization Plan rules and a refund to Newfoundland Power Inc. customers and certain Hydro Rural customers.


1.              The Newfoundland Power Rate Stabilization Plan Surplus shall be refunded to all ratepayers, with the exception of the Island Industrial customers, in the form of direct payment or rebate and in a manner to be approved by the Board.

2.              Hydro shall pay the expenses of the Board incurred with this matter.

Date Issued:

April 9, 2014




Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 10 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for an Order of the Board providing for disposition of the balance in the Optional Seasonal Rate Revenue and Cost Recovery Account pursuant to Sections 58 and 80 of the Act.


1.              The Board approves the disposition of the balance in the Optional Seasonal Rate Revenue and Cost Recovery Account as of December 31, 2013 by charging the balance of $137,344 to the Rate Stabilization Account as of March 31, 2014.

2.              Newfoundland Power shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board in connection with this Application.

Date Issued:

April 9, 2014





Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 11 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of: an Order of the Board for approval of the balance in the Weather Normalization Reserve as of December 31, 2013 pursuant to sections 69(3) and 78 of the Act.


1.              Newfoundland Power’s Weather Normalization Reserve of a positive balance of $5,058,185 as of December 31, 2013 is approved.

2.                   Newfoundland Power shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board in connection with this Application.

Date Issued:

April 9, 2014




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 12 (2014)


Application for approval of the Rate Stabilization Plan rules and components of the rates to be charged to Island Industrial customers pursuant to section 71 of the Act for an award of costs to Island Industrial Customer Group pursuant to Order No. P.U. 29(2013).


1.              The costs of the Island Industrial Customer Group are fixed at $92,586.81.

2.              Hydro shall, within thirty days, pay costs to the Island Industrial Customer Group in the amount of $92,856.81.

Date Issued:

April 16, 2014



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 13 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval on an interim basis, effective January 1, 2014 of, among other things, rate changes for certain customers and a deferral account for others, and amendments to the Rate Stabilization Plan.


1.              The Amended Interim Rate Application is hereby dismissed.

2.              Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited are entitled to an award of costs in an amount to be fixed by the Board, with cost submissions to be filed within 30 days of this Order.

3.              Leave is granted to the remaining Intervenors to apply within 30 days of this Order for an award of costs.

4.              Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

April 25, 2014




Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 14 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a capital expenditure to proceed with the construction and purchase of improvements and additions to its property pursuant to section 41(3) of the Act.


1.              The capital expenditure of $2,892,000 for the proposed distribution feeder improvements and substation refurbishment is approved.

2.              Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

April 28, 2014



The Board’s Investigation and Hearing into Supply Issues
and Power Outages on the Island Interconnected System                                   P.U. 15 (2014)


Request by Grand Riverkeeper Labrador, Inc. for intervenor status in the matter of an Investigation and Hearing into supply issues and power outages on the Island Interconnected system.


1.              Grand Riverkeeper Labrador, Inc. is hereby granted intervenor status in this proceeding.

Date Issued:

April 30, 2014



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 16 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital project to supply and install 100 MW of combustion turbine generation, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.


1.              Hydro’s proposal to proceed with the purchase and installation of 100 MW of combustion turbine generation at the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station is approved, with the issues of costs and cost recovery to be determined by the Board in a future Order.

2.              Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

May 7, 2014



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 17 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a line extension to serve Domestic Customers in the cottage area known as Holiday Hills, near the community of Blaketown pursuant to section 41 of the Act.


1.                   The Refundable Contribution in Aid of Construction of six thousand eight hundred ninety six dollars and seventy five cents ($6,896.75), excluding HST, to apply to Domestic Customers located in the cottage area known as Holiday Hills is approved.

2.             Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

June 6, 2014




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 18 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of  an amendment to the Rate Stabilization Plan Rules.


1.                  The Rate Stabilization Plan rules attached hereto as Schedule “A” are approved on an interim basis.

2.             Hydro shall pay the expenses of the Board incurred in connection with this matter.

                          Date Issued:

June 11, 2014




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 19 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval, pursuant to Section 70 of the Act, of the Rate Stabilization Plan Adjustment in the rates to be charged to Newfoundland Power Inc.


1.             The rates to be charged by Hydro to Newfoundland Power, as set out in Schedule “A” to this Order, to be effective for electrical consumption on or after July 1, 2014, are approved on an interim basis.

2.             Hydro shall pay the expenses of the Board incurred in connection with this matter.

                          Date Issued:

June 11, 2014




Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 20 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of: (1) a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a line extension to serve Domestic Customers in the cottage area known as Baie de L’Eau Road, near the town of Bay L’Argent pursuant to section 41 of the Act; and (2) a deviation from the Contribution in Aid of Construction applicable to Domestic Customers in relation to the calculation of the participation percentage as provided for in clause 6 (A)(II) of the policy.


1.                         The Non-Refundable Contribution in Aid of Construction of six thousand nine hundred thirty-one dollars and sixty-four cents ($6,931.64), excluding HST, to apply to Domestic Customers located in the Cottage Area known as Baie De L’Eau Road is approved.

2.                A deviation from the Policy requirement respecting down payments to allow Newfoundland Power to commence construction of the Extension is approved.

3.                Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

June 19, 2014





Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 21 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. pursuant to Section 70 of the Act for approval of rate stabilization and municipal tax adjustments for the period July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 and a schedule of rates, tolls and charges incorporating the rate stabilization and municipal tax adjustments.


1.             The Rate Stabilization Adjustment of 1.064 cents/kWh for the period July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, is approved.

2.             The Municipal Tax Adjustment Factor of 1.02370 for the period July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, is approved.

3.             Newfoundland Power’s Schedule of Rates, Tolls and Charges, as set out in Schedule A to this Order, to be effective on all electrical consumption on and after July 1, 2014, is approved.

4.             Newfoundland Power shall pay the expenses of the Board in connection with this Application.

                          Date Issued:

June 19, 2014




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 22 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a change in rates to be charged to Island Interconnected and Isolated Rural customers.


1.             The rates proposed by Hydro to be effective for all electrical consumption on or after July 1, 2014 for its Island Interconnected customers, excluding Burgeo School & Library (rate Classes 1.1, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4 and 4.1) and Isolated Rural customers (rate Classes 1.2D, 2.1D and 2.2D and 4.1D), as set out in Schedule A to this Order, are approved.

2.             Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

June 26, 2014





Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 23 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a capital expenditure to supplement the Allowance for Unforeseen Items for the construction and purchase of certain improvements and additions to its property pursuant to section 41 of the Act.


1.             The addition of a supplementary amount of $580,000 to the 2014 Allowance for Unforeseen Items is approved.

2.             Hydro will establish a separate account to record the expenditures associated with the Unit 3 east forced draft fan motor refurbishment at the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station, the overhaul of the Sunnyside B1L03 230 kV breaker and the overhaul of the Holyrood B1L17 230 kV breaker, with the recovery of these expenditures to be addressed in a subsequent order of the Board following a further application by Hydro.

3.             Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

June 27, 2014





Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 24 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a capital expenditure to proceed with refurbishment of thermal generation assets, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.


1.             The capital expenditure of $1,698,000 for the refurbishment of the Wesleyville and Greenhill gas turbine systems is approved.

2.             Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

July 11, 2014




Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 25 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a line extension to serve domestic customers residing in the cottage area known as Witless Bay Line West near the Town of Holyrood pursuant to section 41 of the Act.


1.             The Refundable Contribution in Aid of Construction of twenty-six thousand three hundred thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents ($26,337.50), excluding HST, to apply to Domestic Customers located in the Cottage Area known as Witless Bay Line West is approved.

2.             Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

July 11, 2014




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 26 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction from Cooke Aquaculture Inc. for the upgrade of a distribution line from single-phase to three-phase service in Daniel’s Harbour pursuant to section 41 of the Act.


1.             The Contribution in Aid of Construction of three hundred and twenty-nine thousand, eight hundred six dollars and seventy-two cents ($329,806.72), excluding HST, to provide three-phase service to the Cooke Aquaculture Inc. Kelly Cove Salmon Fish Hatchery in Daniel’s Harbour is approved.

2.             Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

July 11, 2014




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 27 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s applications for an order of the Board fixing and determining its:

(a)    2011 average rate base; and

(b)    2012 average rate base.


1.             Pursuant to Section 78 of the Act Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s rate base for the year ending December 31, 2011 is hereby fixed and determined at $1,492,777,250.

2.             Pursuant to Section 78 of the Act Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s rate base for the year ending December 31, 2012 is hereby fixed and determined at $1,524,482,500.

                          Date Issued:

July 18, 2014




Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 28 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a line extension to serve domestic customers residing in the cottage area near the community of Winterbrook pursuant to section 41 of the Act.


1.             The Refundable Contribution in Aid of Construction of twenty-five thousand five hundred twenty-three dollars and thirteen cents ($25,523.13), excluding HST, to apply to Domestic Customers located in the cottage area near the community of Winterbrook is approved.

2.             Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board.

                          Date Issued:

July 23, 2014



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 29 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s applications for approval, pursuant to section 41 of the Act, of capital expenditures at the Sunnyside Terminal Station in 2014 and 2015 for the purchase and installation of the Sunnyside T1 transformer and associated equipment, modifications to the protection relay system, and the addition of a 230 kV breaker.


1.             The proposed capital expenditures at the Sunnyside Terminal Station in the amount of $7,197,800 in 2014 and $1,266,400 in 2015 for the purchase and installation of the Sunnyside T1 transformer and associated equipment, modification to the protection relay system and addition of a 230 kV breaker are approved.

2.             Hydro will establish a separate account to record the capital expenditures for the purchase and installation of the Sunnyside T1 transformer and associated equipment, modification to the protection relay system and addition of a 230 kV breaker, with the recovery of these expenditures to be addressed in a subsequent order of the Board following a further application by Hydro.

3.             Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

July 30, 2014




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 30 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval on an interim basis, effective January 1, 2014 of, among other things, rate changes for certain customers and a deferral account for others, and amendments to the Rate Stabilization Plan for an award of costs to Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited pursuant to Order No. P.U. 13(2014).


1.             The costs of Vale are fixed at $51,461.32, exclusive of HST.

2.             Hydro shall, within thirty days, pay costs to Vale in the amount of $51,461.32.

                          Date Issued:

July 31, 2014




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 31 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval on an interim basis,

effective January 1, 2014 of, among other things, rate changes for certain customers and a deferral account for others, and amendments to the Rate Stabilization Plan for an award of costs by the Industrial Customers Group pursuant to Order No. P.U. 13(2014).


1.             The costs of the Industrial Customers Group are fixed at $37,450.95, exclusive of HST.

2.             Hydro shall, within thirty days, pay costs to the Industrial Customers Group in the amount of $37,450.95.

                          Date Issued:

July 31, 2014



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 32 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of capital expenditures for the replacement of the tap changer on transformer T5 at the Western Avalon Terminal Station pursuant to section 41of the Act.


1.             The proposed capital expenditure in the amount of $1,452,500 to replace the T5 transformer on load tap changer at the Western Avalon Terminal Station is approved.

2.             Hydro will establish a separate account to record the capital expenditure to replace the T5 transformer on load tap changer at the Western Avalon Terminal Station, with the recovery of the expenditure to be addressed in a subsequent order of the Board following a further application by Hydro.

3.             Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

August 1, 2014




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 33 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of capital expenditures for the replacement of insulators on transmission lines TL-201 and TL-203 pursuant to section 41of the Act.


1.             The proposed capital expenditure of $3,632,200 for the replacement of all insulators on transmission line TL-201 and 30 insulators on transmission line TL-203 is approved.

2.             Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

August 1, 2014




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 34 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of capital expenditures for the replacement of the excitation transformers at Bay d’Espoir pursuant to section 41of the Act.


1.             The capital expenditures in the amount of $636,700 for 2014 and $360,000 for 2015 for the replacement of the excitation transformers at the Bay d’Espoir generating station are approved.

2.             Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

August 1, 2014




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 35 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval to issue debentures pursuant to section 91 of the Act.


1.             Hydro’s proposal to issue debentures in an amount of up to $200,000,000 to finance 2014 capital expenditures is approved subject to the following conditions:

(a)          The debentures shall be issued on or before October 31, 2014.

(b)          Hydro  shall file with the Board a report specifying the terms and conditions of the bond issue within five (5) days after closing, setting out the following:

(i)                    date of issue;

(ii)                  term;

(iii)                maturity date;

(iv)                 principal amount;

(v)                   interest rate;

(vi)                 particulars of sinking fund, if any;

(vii)               price to public and to the underwriters;

(viii)             yield to the public;

(ix)                 underwriting fee;

(x)                   actual cost (i.e. yield) to Hydro; and

(xi)                 any other material terms or conditions.

(C)         Hydro shall file with the Board a copy of the Underwriting Agreement relating to the debentures within five (5) days after closing.

(D)        Hydro shall file with the Board a copy of the Order in Council providing approval to issue the debentures within five (5) days of receipt of the Order in Council.

(E)         Hydro shall file with the Board a report on the disposition of the proceeds no later than six months from the date of the closing.

2.             Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

August 8, 2014



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 36 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of 2014 capital expenditures for the installation of additional transformer capacity at the Wabush Substation pursuant to section 41of the Act.


1.             The proposed 2014 capital expenditure of $958,800 to install additional transformer capacity at the Wabush Substation by relocating the transformer from the Quartzite Substation and to make associated modifications to the Wabush Substation is approved.

2.             Hydro shall file its long-term plan for the Wabush system no later than August 31, 2015.

3.             Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

August 12, 2014



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 37 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a line extension to serve domestic customers residing in the cottage area known as Joe’s Lake, near the town of Badger pursuant to section 41 of the Act.


1.             The Non-Refundable Contribution in Aid of Construction of four thousand one hundred fifty-nine dollars and sixty-three cents ($4,159.63), excluding HST, to apply to Domestic Customers located in the cottage area known as Joe’s Lake, near the Town of Badger is approved.

2.             Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

August 22, 2014



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 38 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of capital expenditures for replacement of an air compressor at the Holyrood Thermal Generation

Station pursuant to section 41of the Act.


1.             The proposed 2014 capital expenditure of $320,600 for the approval to replace an Air Compressor at the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station is approved.

2.             Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

September 9, 2014



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 39 (2014)


An application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, dated May 12, 2014, for approval of, on an interim basis: i) the transfer of $29.4 million to be recognized as revenue; and, ii) changes to Island Industrial customer rates and rules.


1.             The Application is denied.

2.             Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

September 17, 2014



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 40 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for for an Order pursuant to Sections 41 and 78 of the Act:

(a)    approving its 2015 Capital Budget of $94,211,000;

(b)    multi-year projects involving future capital expenditures of $19,804,000; and

(c)    fixing and determining its average rate base for 2013 in the amount of $915,820,000.


1.             Newfoundland Power’s proposed construction and purchase of improvements or additions to its property to be completed in 2015, as set out in Schedule A to this Order, are approved.

2.             Newfoundland Power’s proposed multi-year construction and purchase of improvements or additions to its property to begin in 2015, as set out in Schedule B to this Order, are approved.

3.             Newfoundland Power’s 2015 Capital Budget for improvements or additions to its property in an amount of $94,211,000, as set out in Schedule C to this Order, is approved.

4.             Newfoundland Power’s average rate base for the year ending December 31, 2013 is hereby fixed and determined at $915,820,000.

5.             Unless otherwise directed by the Board, Newfoundland Power shall file an annual report to the Board on its 2015 capital expenditures by March 1, 2016.

6.             Unless otherwise directed by the Board, Newfoundland Power shall provide, in conjunction with the 2016 Capital Budget Application, a status report on the 2015 capital budget expenditures showing for each project:

(i)           the approved budget for 2015;

(ii)         the expenditures prior to 2015;

(iii)       the 2015 expenditures to the date of the application;

(iv)        the remaining projected expenditures for 2015;

(v)          the variance between the projected total expenditures and the approved budget; and

(vi)        an explanation of the variance.

7.             Newfoundland Power shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board incurred in connection with the Application.

                          Date Issued:

October 9, 2014



The Board’s Investigation and Hearing into Supply Issues

and Power Outages on the Island Interconnected System                                   P.U. 41 (2014)


A Notice of Motion by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for a determination that certain Requests for Information filed by Mr. Danny Dumaresque and Grand RiverKeeper Labrador, Inc. are not relevant. in the matter of an investigation and hearing into supply issues and power outages on the Island Interconnected system


1.             Hydro’s motion with respect to the following Requests for Information is accepted:

DD-NLH-1 to 9, DD-NLH-12 to 15, DD-NLH-17 to 23, DD-NLH-28, DD-NLH-42, DD-NLH-44, DD-NLH-45, DD-NLH-48, DD-NLH-49, DD-NLH-50, DD-NLH-54, DD-NLH-57, DD-NLH-59, DD-NLH-61 to 64, DD-NLH-69, DD-NLH-71, DD-NLH-72, DD-NLH-74 to 84, DD-NLH-86 to 90


GRK-NLH-8, GRK-NLH-10 to 20, GRK-NLH-23, GRK-NLH-28, GRK-NLH-29, GRK-NLH-42, GRK-NLH-47 to 50, GRK-NLH-53, GRK-NLH-54, GRK-NLH-56


2.             Hydro motion with respect to the following Requests for Information is denied:


DD-NLH-10, DD-NLH-11, DD-NLH-16, DD-NLH-52, DD-NLH-56, DD-NLH-58, DD-NLH-70, DD-NLH-73


GRK-NLH-21, GRK-NLH-22, GRK-NLH-24 to 26, GRK-NLH-43 to 46, GRK-NLH-55, GRK-NLH-57


3.             Hydro shall pay the expenses of the Board associated with this matter.

                          Date Issued:

October 16, 2014




Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 42 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for single phase service for Bell Mobility Inc. pursuant to section 41 of the Act.


1.             The Contribution in Aid of Construction of sixty-seven thousand two hundred seven dollars ($67,207.00), excluding HST, to provide single-phase service to a cell phone tower for Bell Mobility Inc. is approved.

2.             Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

October 20, 2014



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 43 (2014)


An application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for the deferred recovery of 2014 costs associated with its energy conservation plan.


1.             The deferred recovery of the 2014 costs related to Hydro’s energy conservation plan, estimated to be $2.52 million, is approved.

2.             Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

October 31, 2014



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 44 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a line extension to serve Domestic Customers in the cottage area known as Tom Penney’s Pond, near Salmonier Line, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.


1.             The Refundable Contribution in Aid of Construction of four thousand and twenty two dollars ($4,022.00), excluding HST, to apply to Domestic Customers located in the cottage area known as Tom Penney’s Pond, near Salmonier Line is approved.

2.             Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

November 18, 2014



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 45 (2014)


An application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of additional capital expenditures to complete the Labrador City Voltage Upgrade pursuant to section 41 of the Act.


1.             The additional capital expenditures in the amount of $608,900 for 2014 and $1,238,200 for 2015 to complete the Labrador City Voltage Conversion are approved.

2.             Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

November 20, 2014



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 46 (2014)


An application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval to purchase critical spares for the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station pursuant to section 41 of the Act.


1.             The proposed 2014 capital expenditure in the amount of $491,753 to purchase critical spares for the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station is approved.

2.             Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

November 27, 2014




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 47 (2014)


An application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of revisions, on an interim basis, to the Utility rate charged to Newfoundland Power Inc. pursuant to sections 70 and 71 of the Act.


1.             Hydro’s proposal to revise its Utility rate, on an interim basis, to include a revised calculation of billing demand to reflect a curtailable credit is approved for the period December 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015.

2.             Hydro shall within 7 days file revised Utility rate sheets in accordance with the findings of the Board.

3.             Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited is entitled to an award of costs in an amount to be fixed by the Board, with cost submissions to be filed within 30 days of this Order.

4.             Leave is granted to the Industrial Customer Group to apply within 30 days of this Order for an award of costs.

5.             Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

November 27, 2014




Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 48 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction. for a line extension to serve domestic customers in the cottage area known as Square Pond East, near the Town of Gambo  pursuant to section 41 of the Act.


1.             The Non-Refundable Contribution in Aid of Construction of four thousand three hundred and fifty dollars and seventy-five cents ($4,350.75), excluding HST, to apply to Domestic Customers located in the cottage area known as Square Pond East, near the Town of Gambo, is approved.

2.             Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

November 28, 2014




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 49 (2014)


An application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of a Capacity Assistance Agreement with Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited pursuant to sections 70, 71 and 80 of the Act.


1.                The proposed Capacity Assistance Agreement with Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited, effective December 1, 2014, is approved.

2.                Hydro will establish a separate account to record the purchased power expenses, with the recovery of the expenditure to be addressed in Hydro’s General Rate Application.

3.                Hydro shall file with the Board, no later than April 15 of the year following each winter period December 1-March 31 while the agreement is in place, a report setting out the dates, times, duration and system conditions, including generation available and calculation of system reserve, under which capacity assistance was requested, the capacity assistance requested and provided, and the capacity and variable payments made.

4.                Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

November 28, 2014




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 50 (2014)


An application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an Order pursuant to Section 41 of the Act approving:

(a)    its capital purchases and construction projects in excess of $50,000 beginning in 2015;

(b)    its 2015 Capital Budget; and

(c)    its estimated contributions in aid of construction for 2015 in the amount of $300,000.


1.             Hydro’s proposed construction and purchase of improvements or additions to its property in excess of $50,000 to be completed in 2015, as set out in Schedule A to this Order, are approved.

2.             Hydro’s proposed multi-year construction and purchase of improvements or additions to its property in excess of $50,000 to begin in 2015, as set out in Schedule B to this Order, are approved.

3.             Hydro’s proposed contributions in aid of construction for 2015 are approved.

4.             Hydro’s proposed 2015 Capital Budget for improvements or additions to its property in an amount of $76,832,900, as set out in Schedule C to this Order, is approved.

5.             Unless otherwise directed by the Board Hydro shall file, in conjunction with the 2016 Capital Budget Application, an updated overview in relation to the proposed capital expenditures for the Holyrood Thermal Generating Station.

6.             Unless otherwise directed Hydro shall file, in conjunction with the 2016 Capital Budget Application, a status report on the 2015 capital expenditures.

7.             Unless otherwise directed by the Board Hydro shall file an annual report with the Board in relation to its 2015 capital expenditures by March 1, 2016.

8.             The Industrial Customer Group is entitled to an award of costs in an amount to be fixed by the Board, with a cost submission to be filed by the Industrial Customer Group within 30 days of this Order.

9.             Hydro shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board incurred in connection with the Application.

                          Date Issued:

December 2, 2014




Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 51 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of its 2015 forecast average rate base and rate of return on rate base in accordance with Order No. P.U. 13(2013).


1.             Newfoundland Power’s forecast average rate base for 2015 of $1,009,527,000 is approved.

2.             Newfoundland Power’s rate of return on rate base for 2015 of 7.50% in a range of 7.32% to 7.68% is approved.

3.             Newfoundland Power shall pay the expenses of the Board in connection with this Application.

                          Date Issued:

December 2, 2014




Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 52 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for approval of a contribution in aid of construction for single phase service for the Town of Wabana pursuant to section 41 of the Act.


1.             The Contribution in Aid of Construction of fifty-three thousand forty-eight dollars and twenty-five cents ($53,048.25), excluding HST, to provide single-phase service to water pumps for the Town of Wabana is approved

2.             Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

December 8, 2014




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 53 (2014)


An application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for for approval to proceed with the construction of a 230kV transmission line between the Bay d’Espoir and Western Avalon Terminal Station pursuant  to section 41 of the Act.


1.             The capital expenditures of $2,412,600 in 2014, $18,964,700 in 2015, $77,225,600 in 2016, $110,064,100 in 2017 and $82,991,000 in 2018 for the construction of the 230 kV transmission line between the Bay d’Espoir and Western Avalon terminal stations are approved.

2.             Hydro will file, with each capital budget application filed until the completion of the project, a report on the construction of the 230 kV transmission line addressing the work progress, the expenditure and budget status, and an explanation for any deviations from the project scope and budget.

3.             Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

December 12, 2014




Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 54 (2014)


An application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an application by Newfoundland for approval of, on an interim basis: i) the transfer of $29.4 million to be recognized as revenue; and, ii) changes to Island Industrial customer rates and rules for an award of costs to Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited.


1.             Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited is entitled to an award of costs in the amount of $29,809.45.

2.             Hydro shall, within thirty days, pay costs to Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited in the amount of $29,809.45.

                          Date Issued:

December 16, 2014





Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                    P.U. 55 (2014)


Application by Newfoundland Power Inc. for approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a line extension to serve Domestic Customers in the cottage area known as Blue Jay Lane, near Brigus Junction, pursuant to section 41 of the Act.


1.             The Refundable Contribution in Aid of Construction of two thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fifty-two cents ($2,867.52), excluding HST, to apply to Domestic Customers located in the cottage area known as Blue Jay Lane, near Brigus Junction is approved.

2.             Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

December 19, 2014





Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 56 (2014)


An application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of the deferral and recovery of expenses associated with increased capacity-related supply costs on the Island Interconnected system in 2014 pursuant to sections 78 and 80 of the Act.


1.             The creation of a deferral account for the additional capacity-related supply costs of $9,650,000 incurred in the first quarter 2014 as set out in Schedule A is approved, with the recovery of these expenditures to be addressed in a subsequent Order of the Board following a further application by Hydro.

2.             Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

December 24, 2014





Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 57 (2014)


An application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro approval of a proposed interim transmission demand rate for Labrador industrial customers.


1.             The rates to be charged by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro to Labrador industrial customers as set out in Schedule A to be effective for electrical consumption on or after January 1, 2015, are approved on an interim basis.

2.             Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

December 24, 2014





Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                   P.U. 58 (2014)


An application by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for approval of, among other things, to establish a deferral account and transfer $45.9 million to this account, with recovery in 2014 from the Rate Stabilization Plan.


1.             The creation of a deferral account in relation to Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro’s proposed 2014 revenue requirement, as set out in Schedule A, is approved.

2.             The segregation of $45.9 million as of December 31, 2014 in the deferral account is approved, but recovery by Hydro of this amount, partial or full, is not approved.

3.             The proposed 2014 Test Year cost of service study is not approved.

4.             The proposed use of the credit balance in the RSP Hydraulic Variation Account balance to provide recovery is not approved.

5.             The proposed transfer from the RSP Hydraulic Variation Account to the deferral account is not approved.

6.             The Industrial Customer Group and Vale are entitled to an award of costs in an amount to be determined by the Board with costs submissions to be filed within 30 days of this Order.

7.             Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

                          Date Issued:

December 24, 2014

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                     P.U. 1 (2013)


Application for approval of the capital expenditure of $284,100 to refurbish stop logs at Burnt Dam Spillway.


1.          The proposed capital expenditure of $284,100 for the refurbishment of the stop logs at the Burnt Dam Spillway is approved.

2.          Hydro shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this application.

Date Issued:

January 21, 2013



Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro                                                                     P.U. 2 (2013)

Application – Phase I:

Application for by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for an order: (a) approving its 2013 capital budget; (b) approving its 2013 capital purchases and construction projects in excess of $50,000; (c) approving the estimated contributions in aid of construction for 2013; and (d) fixing and determining its average rate base for 2011.


1.          Hydro’s proposed construction and purchase of improvements or additions to its property in excess of $50,000 to be completed in 2013 are approved as set out in Schedule A to this Order.

2.          Hydro’s proposed multi-year construction and purchase of improvements or additions to its property in excess of $50,000 to begin in 2013 are approved as set out in Schedule B to this Order.

3.          Hydro shall pay all costs and expenses of the Board incurred in connection with the Application.

Date Issued:

January 23, 2013



Newfoundland Power Inc.                                                                                      P.U. 3 (2013)


Application for the approval of a Contribution in Aid of Construction for a line extension to serve Domestic Customers in the cottage area known as Grouse-Famine located on the Burin Peninsula.


1.          The Non-Refundable Contribution in Aid of Construction of four thousand three hundred four dollars and fifty cents ($4,304.50), excluding HST, to apply to Domestic Customers located in the cottage area known as Grouse-Famine is approved.

2.          Newfoundland Power shall pay all expenses of the Board arising from this Application.

Date Issued:

February 1, 2013